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[Preprint]. 2023 Jul 13:2023.07.13.23292612. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.07.13.23292612

Figure 3. MAxO diagnostic annotations.

Figure 3.

In this example, the MAxO term brain CT (MAXO:0010316) annotates 108 HP terms (three of which are shown here), and MRI of the brain (MAXO:0000427) annotates 445 HP terms (four of which are shown here). Note that T2 hyperintense foci can be observed by MRI but not CT because T2 refers to a specific form of magnetic resonance imaging weighting (the same lesion may be apparent on CT but not by T2 intensity). A total of 18,493 diagnostic annotations are available in the June 2023 MAxO release.