Physical map of the B. japonicum ftsH gene region. Numbers indicate the nucleotide positions of open reading frames and recognition sites of restriction enzymes as follows: B, BamHI; EI, EcoRI; EV, EcoRV; E47III, Eco47III; P, PstI; S, SalI; X, XhoI. The positions of PCR products 1, 2, and N with respect to the ftsH gene are indicated. The inserts of relevant plasmids harboring the ftsH gene region are given with their corresponding plasmid designations. Plasmids pRJ5175, pRJ5176, and pRJ5184 contain pUC18 (15) as a vector. The inserts of pRJ5180 and pRJ5181 were cloned into pSUP202pol3, a derivative of pSUP202 (22). Plasmid pRJ5188 is based on pBAD18-Cm (9).