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. 2023 Aug;29(8):1643–1647. doi: 10.3201/eid2908.221856

Table. Characteristics of case-patients in a dengue outbreak during the COVID-19 pandemic, Key Largo, Florida, USA, 2020*.

Characteristics No. (%) cases, n = 72
F 37 (51)
35 (49)
Non-Hispanic 60 (83)
Hispanic 10 (14)
2 (3)
Age group, y
0–20 8 (11)
21–40 9 (13)
41–60 38 (53)
17 (24)
Hospitalization status
Hospitalized 8 (11)
Not hospitalized 62 (86)
2 (3)
Laboratory test results†
Positive RT-PCR 31 (43)
Positive IgM only
41 (57)
Tests ordered for acute dengue cases, n = 43‡
COVID-19 tests; no known DENV tests 25 (58)
DENV and COVID-19 tests 13 (30)
DENV only; no COVID-19 tests 3 (7)
No DENV or COVID-19 tests 2 (5)

*DENV, dengue virus; RT-PCR, reverse transcription PCR. †Samples for PCR collected 1–12 days after symptom onset; samples for IgM collected 5–213 days after symptom onset. ‡Acute cases were tested within 7 days after symptom onset. Data include only persons medically evaluated by a healthcare provider in the United States. Information on care-seeking behavior was determined through case interview and laboratory records. Negative COVID-19 results were required to be reported to Florida Department of Health, but negative dengue laboratory results are not, which might have resulted in underreporting of commercial dengue testing among persons who sought care.