Fig. 7. Patient response to one infusion of CAR-NK cell therapy.
(A) Positron emission tomography (PET) scans from two patients with lymphoid malignancies before (Pre-infusion) and 1 month after receiving one dose of CAR19/IL-15 NK cell infusion. (B) UMAP showing the distribution of two transcriptomic clusters of cells from patient scRNA-seq data. Cluster 1 contained 60 NK cells, including 17 from patient 10 and 43 from patient 6. Cluster 2 contained 30 B cells from patient 10. (C) Dot plot showing the mRNA expression levels for the two patient clusters. The size of the dots represents the percentage of cells expressing the gene, and the color represents its average expression. (D and E) Heatmaps of scRNA-seq data showing the top 15 and bottom 15 genes ranked by log FC between patients 6 and 10 at days 7 and 14 after NK cell infusion. The color bar represents the significance of both P values and adjusted P values. The asterisks were added if P value/adjusted P value < 0.05. (F) Dot plots showing significantly activated (left panel) and suppressed (right panel) hallmark pathways in the NK cells in patient 6 at day 14 versus those in patient 10 at day 14 (see Materials and Methods).