a Development of bacterial wilt disease in eggplant, pepper and tomato plants 30 days after soils were amended with NPRS, PRS, or WRS. All data are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) in line graphs (n = 6 biologically independent samples); b Copy numbers of fliC and 16S rRNA genes among rhizosphere samples of different treatments. Horizontal bars within boxes represent the median. The tops and bottoms of boxes represent 75th and 25th quartiles, respectively. The upper and lower whiskers represent the range of non-outlier data values. Outliers were plotted as individual points. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among respective groups based on two-sided tests for multiple comparisons by Turkey HSD corrections (t-test, adjusted p < 0.05, n = 8 biologically independent samples); c Bubble plot showed the enriched pathways of metagenomic data from rhizosphere of three Solanaceae crops after metabolites application; d The tomato field experiment used to test the biocontrol effect of metabolites. Horizontal bars within boxes represent the median. The tops and bottoms of boxes represent 75th and 25th quartiles, respectively. The upper and lower whiskers represent the range of non-outlier data values. Outliers were plotted as individual points. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among respective groups based on two-sided tests for multiple comparisons by Turkey HSD corrections (t-test, adjusted p < 0.05, n = 8 biologically independent samples). WRS water with pathogen, PRS prebiotics with pathogen, NPRS non-prebiotics with pathogen, Pep_NPRS pepper, non-prebiotic treatment, Pep_PRS pepper, prebiotic treatment, Egg_NPRS eggplant, non-prebiotic treatment, Egg_PRS eggplant, prebiotic treatment, Tom_NPRS tomato, non-prebiotic treatment, Tom_PRS tomato, prebiotic treatment, P prebiotics, NP non-prebiotics.