(A) Heatmap representing samples hierarchically clustered based on averaged gene expression of each of obtained module (from lowest as blue to highest as red). Euclidean distance is used as a clustering metric. YS MF, yolk sac macrophage; EB MF, embryoid body macrophage; alvMF, alveolar macrophage; SPM, small peritoneal macrophage; MG, microglia; MF, macrophage; Mo, monocyte; DC, dendritic cell; pDC, plasmacytoid DC; migDC, migratory DC.
(B) Annotation of the obtained modules based on gene enrichment in KEGG and Reactome canonical pathways. Enrichment value is calculated as a percentage of module genes contained in a particular pathway.
(C) Radar chart representation of metabolic modules within each metasample. Each individual sample is shown as a gray line, while mean of all samples inside one metasample is shown as a colored line. Nine radii of the radar chart are devoted to the corresponding metabolic modules: 1 and 2: lipid metabolism; 3: FAS pathway; 4: mtFASII pathway; 5: cholesterol synthesis; 6: glycolysis; 7: folate, serine, and nucleotide metabolism; 8: FAO and sphingolipid de novo synthesis; and 9: glycerophospholipid metabolism. Metasamples of EB MFs + alvMFs and alvMFs + SPM cells are shown at one chart as they are extremely close in their metabolic characteristics.