Fig. 1.
Characterizations of synthesized Alg-NHS, AP hydrogel, APTF hydrogel. (a) Schematic for Alg-NHS synthesis. (b)1H NMR and (c) FTIR spectra of Alg, Alg conjugated with NHS under different reaction conditions. FTIR spectra showing (i) carbonyl stretch of NHS (1780 cm−1), (ii) carbonyl stretch of NHS (1704 cm−1), (iii) CNC stretch of NHS (1219 cm−1). (d) The viscosity of synthesized Alg-NHS and Alg at 2%. (e) Rheology characterizations (G′, G″) of Alg/Fe3+, Alg-NHS/Fe3+, and Alg-NHS/TA/Fe3+ hydrogel, the concentrations of Alg, Fe3+ and TA in this study were 2%, 3% and 40% respectively. (f) FTIR spectra of photocrosslinked PEGDA hydrogel (22%) and AP hydrogel consisting of 8% Alg-NHS and 22% PEGDA: (i) carbonyl stretch of NHS (1780 cm−1), (ii) carbonyl stretch of NHS (1704 cm−1), (iii) CNC stretch of NHS (1219 cm−1). (g) XPS survey of PEDGA and APTF hydrogel. (h) Carbon XPS of APTF hydrogel.