Table 1.
Explanations of the symbols appearing in the main text | |
Downward stroke: dimensionless maximal reach of the average of two midlegs [scaled by the capillary length, (originally used in ref. 19)] | |
Dimensionless angular velocity of the average four legs’ rotation of a jump (originally used in ref. 19) | |
Dimensionless index of insect body mass with respect to the leg; body mass with respect to maximal water mass can be displaced by the average of four legs (originally used in ref. 19) | |
Midleg downward stroke; dimensionless maximal reach of the midleg (modified L for midleg only) | |
Dimensionless angular velocity of midleg rotation of a jump (modified for midleg only) | |
Dimensionless index of insect body mass with respect to the midleg; body mass with respect to maximal water mass can be displaced by the midleg (modified M for midleg only) | |
Angular velocity of midleg rotation of a jump | |
Derived angular velocity of midleg rotation of the empirical jump | |
Hypothetical angular velocity of midleg rotation of the hypothetical jumps (i.e., surface tension jumps of Gigantometra gigas and Ptilomera tigrina; drag-involving jump of Aquarius paludum) |
Critical angular velocity of leg rotation; For a given midleg length and body mass, descending midleg can produce a dimple of the critical dimple depth, , with |
Duration of dimple breaking | |
Capillary length | |
Maximal downward reach of the midleg | |
Wetted length of the leg | |
Entire length of the midleg consisting of femur, tibia, and tarsus | |
Constant wetted length of midleg (the length of tibia plus tarsus of the midleg) | |
Initial height of the body center from the undisturbed free surface | |
Surface tension coefficient of water | |
Density of water | |
Gravitational acceleration | |
Mass of the water strider | |
Flexibility factor; function of wetted length of a leg, , and its bending rigidity, | |
Midleg flexibility factor; function of wetted length of a midleg, , and its bending rigidity, (bending rigidity is explained in SI Appendix, Table S11). |
Young’s modulus of insect cuticle | |
Radius of the wetted midleg as a cylinder | |
Radius of the wetted midleg as a cylinder surrounded by air bubble |