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. 2022 Jul;28(7):10.18553/jmcp.2022.28.7.740. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2022.28.7.740


Key Clinical, Utility, and Cost Inputs

Cohort inputs Value Source
Baseline cohort characteristics
  Age, y 46.0 Wilding et al,14 2021
  Female sex, % 74.1
  Male sex, % 25.9
  BMI 37.9
  SBP, mmHg 126.0
  Total cholesterol, mg/dL 190.4
  HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 49.4
  Proportion with prediabetes, % 43.7
  History of cardiovascular disease, % 9.8
Clinical inputs
  Minimum BMI for bariatric surgery 35.0 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery49
  Annual incidence of bariatric surgery, % 1.1 English et al,50 2020
  Natural weight increase per year, kg 0.5 Ara et al,21 2012
Cost inputs (2021 USD)
  Cost of bariatric surgery (including costs associated with preoperative management, procedure, postsurgery follow-up, and complications) $31,965.23 Weiner et al,51 2013; Kizy et al,52 2017; Alsumali et al,53 2018; Lee et al,39 2020
  Cost of obesity monitoring per year $622.50 CMS Physician Fee Schedule 2021
Utility inputs
  BMI-specific utility Utility range as 0.97-0.93 for the BMI domain of 30-42 (higher BMI is associated with lower utility) Pi-Sunyer et al,35 2015
  Comorbidity disutilities
    T2D −0.07 Shah et al,54 2020
    Post-ACS −0.02 Bhatt et al,55 2020
    OSA −0.24 Pietzsch et al,56 2015
    Cancer −0.07 Gough et al,57 2009
    Poststroke −0.07 Bhatt et al,55 2020
  Acute event disutilities
    Bariatric surgery −0.22 Campbell et al,58 2010
    ACS −0.03 Bhatt et al,55 2020
    Knee replacement −0.18 Shah et al,54 2020
    Stroke −0.09 Shah et al,54 2020
    TIA −0.07 Bhatt et al,55 2020
Treatment-specific inputs Semaglutide 2.4 mg Liraglutide 3 mg Phentermine-topiramate Naltrexone-bupropion D&E
Clinical inputs
  Source Wilding et al,14 2021 Pi-Sunyer et al,35 2015, NNI data on file Gadde et al,32 2011; Garvey et al,33 2012 Greenway et al,34 2010; Apovian et al,31 2013 Wilding et al,14 2021
  Percentage change in BMI, % from baseline, mean (SE)
    Month 6 −11.7 (0.2) −7.4 (0.1) −8.7 (2.2) −7.8 (0.2) −2.8 (0.2)
    Year 1 −14.9 (3.7) −8.0 (0.1) −9.6 (2.4) −8.2 (2.1) −2.4 (0.6)
    Year 2 −17.6 (4.4) −7.1 (0.2) −9.3 (2.3) −9.7 (2.4) −2.8 (0.7)
  Response evaluation period, wk 21 16 14 15 12
  Titration period, wk 16 5 2 3 0
  Proportion of patients achieving response, % 68.4 55.3 45.4 24.9
  Years required to rebound to baseline weight after treatment discontinuation, y 3 2 2 2 1
Cost inputs (2021 USD)
  Source IBM Redbook 2021,59 FDA Package Label 2021,25,28 FDA Package Label 2020,26,27
  Titration period treatment cost, $ 1,939.22 632.26 43.40 106.26
  Annual maintenance treatment cost, $ 17,597.48 16,459.72 2,264.55 3,696.33

BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.

— = not applicable; ACS = acute coronary syndrome; BMI = body mass index; D&E = diet and exercise; FDA = US Food and Drug Administration; HDL = high-density lipoprotein; IBM = International Business Machines Corporation; OSA = obstructive sleep apnea; SBP = systolic blood press; TIA = transient ischemic attack; T2D = type 2 diabetes; USD = United States dollar; wk = weeks; y = years.