Figure 3.
CAF-induced CXCL13 producing T cells show characteristics of T peripheral helper cells (A) Expression of CXCR5 within populations of CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells from healthy donors activated in the presence and absence of CAF detected by flow cytometry (n=4). (B) Expression of CXCR5 within populations of CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T cells from NSCLC patients activated in the presence and absence of CAF detected by flow cytometry (n=12). (C) CXCL13 production (X-axis) in relation to expression of CD39, CXCR5, BCL6 and Foxp3 (Y-axis) from CD4+ (upper panels) and CD8+ (lower panels) of T cells from Healthy donors activated in the presence of CAF. (D) Expression of CD39 within populations of CXCL13- and CXCL13+ CD4+ and CD8+ T cells after activation in the presence of CAF. (E) Expression of Foxp3 within CXCL13- and CXCL13+ populations of CD4+ T cells after activation in the presence of CAF. All statistical test performed are paired T tests.