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. 2013 Jun 24;2013(6):CD010611. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010611

Mathew 1995.

Methods Prospective, 2:1 randomised, double‐blind, parallel trial. 5 half‐lives washout period for previous migraine prophylactic medication. Total duration then 16 weeks: 4‐week single‐blind, placebo‐only baseline period. 4 weeks titration, then 8 weeks stable dosage
Discontinuation rate: dropout 17% for active treatment, 14% for placebo
Compliance (adherence) data: compliance data available only as mean blood valproate levels
Rules for use of acute medication: reported as exclusions; analgesics and triptans permitted (but not daily)
Methodological quality score: 4
Participants Inclusion: migraine according to ICHD‐I; migraine onset more than 6 months prior to study; 2 or more attacks per month for previous 3 months
Exclusion: secondary headaches, daily headaches, and analgesic overuse headache were adequately excluded. Other exclusions: migraine symptoms without headache, significant other medical or psychiatric disorder, history of poor compliance, history of valproate use, women of childbearing potential, failure of more than 2 other migraine prophylactic agents
Setting: multi‐centre
Country: USA
107 migraine patients participated; 95% had had attacks without aura and 27% with aura. 83 females and 24 males; allowed age range 16 to 75
Interventions Divalproex sodium versus placebo (12 weeks). Dosage titrated to maintain plasma concentration at 70 to 120 mg/L. Mean dose 1087 mg/day
Outcomes Number of migraine attacks per 28 days. Number of migraine days per 28 days. Peak headache severity (0 to 4 scale). Headache duration (hours). Average analgesic use. Other composite measures
Time point(s) considered in the review: entire 3‐month treatment phase
Notes Funders of the trial: Abbott Laboratories
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Description of method for random sequence generation (2:1 ratio of verum to placebo within each centre) is lacking
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk No information
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Single‐blind baseline phase (patient was blinded, clinician was not) followed by double‐blind treatment phase. Placebo tablets were identical in appearance to verum and dose‐adjusted in a similar fashion. An unblinded designee reviewed plasma concentrations and informed personnel at each clinic of the results in a blinded manner. For patients receiving placebo, sham valproate concentrations were reported by the unblinded designee according to an algorithm designed to maintain the blind
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No information
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Analyses were performed using all data from randomised patients
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk No suspicion of selective reporting of outcomes, time points, subgroups, or analyses