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. 2023 Jul 24;11:e15654. doi: 10.7717/peerj.15654

Table 1. Relationships between KLRB1 expression and clinical characteristics in breast cancers using chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests.

Parameter Variable Number High Hprop Low Lprop X2 P value Fisher
Age <60 589 407 (69.10) 182 (30.90) 7.5489 0.0055 0.0064
> =60 513 314 (61.21) 199 (38.79)
Gender Female 1090 716 (65.69) 374 (34.31) 3.0278 0.1269 0.1229
Male 12 5 (41.67) 7 (58.33)
Histological type Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma 790 489 (61.90) 301 (38.10) 31.6993 0.0005 0.0005
Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma 204 168 (82.35) 36 (17.65)
Other 107 64 (59.81) 43 (40.19)
Molecular subtype Basal 142 96 (67.61) 46 (32.39) 22.9660 0.0005 0.0010
HER2 67 46 (68.66) 21 (31.34)
LumA 422 285 (67.54) 137 (32.46)
LumB 194 98 (50.52) 96 (49.48)
Normal 24 20 (83.33) 4 (16.67)
ER Indeterminate 2 2 (100.00) 0 (00.00) 5.3216 0.0565 0.0495
Negative 239 171 (71.55) 68 (28.45)
Positive 813 523 (64.33) 290 (35.67)
PR Indeterminate 4 4 (100.00) 0 (00.00) 2.2839 0.3543 0.4108
Negative 345 231 (66.96) 114 (33.04)
Positive 704 461 (65.48) 243 (34.52)
HER2 Equivocal 180 112 (62.22) 68 (37.78) 4.9448 0.1709 0.1784
Indeterminate 12 9 (75.00) 3 (25.00)
Negative 565 392 (69.38) 173 (30.62)
Positive 164 103 (62.80) 61 (37.20)
Menopause status Inde 34 17 (50.00) 17 (50.00) 12.9076 0.0045 0.0050
Peri 40 28 (70.00) 12 (30.00)
Post 706 447 (63.31) 259 (36.69)
Pre 231 171 (74.03) 60 (25.97)
T classification T1 281 194 (69.04) 87 (30.96) 12.9644 0.0130 0.0140
T2 640 411 (64.22) 229 (35.78)
T3 138 96 (69.57) 42 (30.43)
T4 40 20 (50.00) 20 (50.00)
TX 3 0 (00.00) 3 (100.0)
N classification N0 516 334 (64.73) 182 (35.27) 12.4067 0.0120 0.0200
N1 367 239 (65.12) 128 (34.88)
N2 120 81 (67.50) 39 (32.50)
N3 79 60 (75.95) 19 (24.05)
NX 20 7 (35.00) 13 (65.00)
M classification M0 917 608 (66.30) 309 (33.70) 6.3475 0.0440 0.0540
M1 22 9 (40.91) 13 (59.09)
MX 163 104 (63.80) 59 (36.20)
Stage I 182 128 (70.33) 54 (29.67) 15.1199 0.0065 0.0050
II 626 395 (63.10) 231 (36.90)
III 252 177 (70.24) 75 (29.76)
IV 20 9 (45.00) 11 (55.00)
X 14 5 (35.71) 9 (64.29)
Lymph node status No 28 17 (60.71) 11 (39.29) 0.5509 0.5467 0.5384
Yes 697 470 (67.43) 227 (32.57)
Margin status Close 31 23 (74.19) 8 (25.81) 1.0288 0.5947 0.6402
Negative 922 605 (65.62) 317 (34.38)
Positive 79 53 (67.09) 26 (32.91)
Vital status Deceased 155 80 (51.61) 75 (48.39) 15.2153 0.0005 0.0002
Living 947 641 (67.69) 306 (32.31)
Radiation therapy No 445 274 (61.57) 171 (38.43) 4.3067 0.0395 0.0390
Yes 557 378 (67.86) 179 (32.14)
Neoadjuvant treatment No 1088 713 (65.53) 375 (34.47) 0.7754 0.3878 0.3901
Yes 13 7 (53.85) 6 (46.15)
Targeted molecular therapy No 46 20 (43.48) 26 (56.52) 8.6985 0.0040 0.0040
Yes 533 348 (65.29) 185 (34.71)
Sample type Metastatic 7 5 (71.43) 2 (28.57) 0.1100 1.0000 1.0000
Primary Tumor 1097 718 (65.45) 379 (34.55)
OS 0 933 632 (67.74) 301 (32.26) 14.5851 0.0010 0.0002
1 154 80 (51.95) 74 (48.05)
RFS 0 816 551 (67.52) 265 (32.48) 5.8253 0.0180 0.0220
1 96 53 (55.21) 43 (44.79)


Abbreviations: Bold values of P < 0.05 indicate statistically significant correlations. When the expected frequency is lower than 1, the Fisher’s exact test result is selected.