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. 2016 Jun;38(6):293–300. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1585072

Table 1. Socioeconomic characteristics and their association with the depressive symptoms of pregnant women assisted in two public hospitals of reference in the city of Goiânia, Brazil, 2015 (n = 375).

Characteristics Depressive Symptoms** Statistics
Yes No
n % n % PR (95%CI) P
Age Group ***
19 to 26 30/212 14.15 182/212 85.85 0.83(0.52–1.34) 0.454*
27 to 55 27/159 16.98 132/159 83.02
Yes 16/58 27.59 42/58 72.41 2.08(1.26–3.44) 0.005*
No 42/317 13.25 275/317 86.75
Years of education***
≤ 8 years of education 18/85 21.18 67/85 78.82 1.55(0.93–2.58) 0.090*
> 8 years of education 38/279 13.62 241/279 86.38
Family income***
≤ three minimum wages**** 41/272 15.07 231/272 84.93 0.70(0.33–1.51) 0.379*
> three minimum wages **** 6/28 21.43 22/28 78.57
Religious ***
No 9/48 18.75 39/48 81.25 1.23(0.65–2.34) 0.533*
Yes 48/315 15.24 267/315 84.76

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; n, number; PR, prevalence ratio.

* Chi-square test; ** Punctuation ≥ 12 in the subscale of depression of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); *** Some did not respond; **** Minimum wage = R$ 788.00 (roughly US$ 262.00 in 2015).