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. 2016 Jun;38(6):293–300. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1585072

Table 3. Distribution of behavioral, psychological and obstetrical variables and their association with depressive symptoms in pregnant women from two public maternity hospitals of reference in the city of Goiânia, Brazil, 2015 (n = 375).

Characteristics Depressive symptoms*** Statistics
Yes No
n % n % PR (95%CI) p
Behavioral variable
Physical activity during pregnancy
No 53/303 17.49 250/303 82.51 3.96 (1.28–12.31) 0.006*
Yes 3/68 4.41 65/68 95.59
Psychiatric history
Previous mental problem
Yes 9/24 37.50 15/24 62.50 2.66 (1.49–4.73) 0.002*
No 49/347 14.12 298/347 85.88
Previous family depression
Yes 18/80 22.50 62/80 77.50 1.68 (1.02–2.78) 0.046*
No 38/284 13.38 246/284 86.62
Violence variables
Suffered physical violence
Yes 4/11 36.36 7/11 63.64 2.43 (1.07–5.52) 0.075**
No 54/363 14.96 307/361 85.04
Suffered psychological/emotional violence
Yes 36/96 37.50 60/96 62.50 4.74 (2.94–7.64) 0.001*
No 22/278 7.91 256/278 92.09
Obstetrical variables
Obstetric complications in the current pregnancy
Yes 35/141 24.82 106/141 75.18 2.53 (1.55–4.13) 0.001*
No 22/224 9.82 202/224 90.18

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; n, number; PR, prevalence ratio.

*Chi-square test; ** Fisher's Exact Test; *** Score ≥ 12 on the subscale of depression from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).