FIG. 1.
Structures of O-antigen and core oligosaccharide P. aeruginosa LPS. (A) A-band O-antigen structure of P. aeruginosa (7). (B) B-band O-antigen structures of P. aeruginosa serotypes O2, O5, O6, O10, O11, O15, O16, O17, O18, and O20 (109–111). The O2, O5, O16, O18, and O20 serotypes compose a cross-reactive serogroup due to similarities in their O-repeat units (130). (C) Core oligosaccharide structure of P. aeruginosa serotype O5 (199). ld-Hep, l-glycero-d-manno-heptose; Kdo, 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid; CONH2—O-carbamoyl.