Fig. 1. Experimental concept towards depolymerization and vitrimerisation of PET.
Schematic illustration of concept and reaction scheme for PET depolymerization and crosslinking with glycerol before applications on mixed plastic systems. a Experimental scheme where (1) PET chain scission by glycerol in the presence of the catalytic amount of [EMIM] Cl, in NMP as a solvent, to form a dark red reaction mixture (i), to produce glycerol grafted polyol oligomers (ii) which are precipitated (iii) and isolated as Recovered PET (RPET). (2) Through the addition of zinc catalyst followed by heat treatment, crosslinked network (iv) is formed from RPET and can be processed into a film (v). b Scheme showing (1) Carbonyl exchange (transesterification) with glycerol degrades the bulk PET into branched oligomeric PET. (2) Catalytic addition of a Zn-containing species into RPET encourages glycerol insertion which contributes to the crosslinking of the material. c Mechanism for dynamic bond exchanges via further transesterification for processibility after crosslinking.