Table 1.
Study characteristics.
Publication | N | Gender ratio (M:F) | Age range (years) | Country | Group matching technique | Language exposure | Type of language assessment | Language assessment | Assessed dimensions of language | Assessed languages |
Beauchamp et al. (2020) | 39 | n/s | 6;0–9;0 | Canada | Not matched | SIM | Direct, indirect | PPVT-IV, ÉVIP-II, CELF-5, CELF-CF, SCQ, M-BLUE | Semantics | L1, L2 |
Gonzalez-Barrero and Nadig (2017) | 52 | 44:8 | 5;0–10;0 | Canada | Age, NVIQ | n/s | Direct, indirect a | PPVT, CELF-IV, CELF-CF, SCQ | Semantics | L1 |
Gonzalez-Barrero and Nadig (2019b) | 40 | 32:8 | 6;0–9;0 | Canada | Age, NVIQ, dominant language a , maternal education | SIM, SEQ | Direct, indirect b | PPVT-IV, ÉVIP, TVIP, CELF-IV, CELF-CF, SCQ | Syntax, semantics | DL |
Gonzalez-Barrero and Nadig (2019a) | 26 | 22:4 | 4;9–10;8 | Canada | Age, NVIQ, dominant language, maternal education | n/s | Direct | PPVT-IV, ÉVIP, TVIP, CELF-IV, CELF-CF, SCQ | Morphology, semantics | DL, NDL |
Hambly and Fombonne (2012) | 75 | n/s | 3;0–6;6 | Canada | n/s | SIM, SEQ | Indirect b | VABS-II, MCDI, ADI-R, LEI | Semantics, pragmatics | DL, NDL, CV |
Hoang et al. (2018) | 20 | 15:5 | M: 8;1 | Canada | Age a , NVIQ a , autism symptomatology a , vocabulary ability a , maternal education a | n/s | Direct, indirect b | CELF, CELF-CF, EVIP, SCQ | Syntax, semantics, pragmatics | DL |
Li et al. (2017) | 67 | 53:14 | M: 8;3–9;2 | Japan, Canada, United States |
Age, Raven Colored Progressive Matrices scores | SIM | Direct, indirect b | PPVT-IV, PVT-R, CCC-2 | Semantics | L1, L2 |
Meir and Novogrodsky (2019) | 85 | 49:36 | 4;0–9;0 | Israel | Age, NVIQ, heritage language | SIM, SEQ | Direct | Pronoun elicitation task, LITMUS SRep-30, ADOS | Morphology, syntax | SL |
Meir and Novogrodsky (2020) | 86 | 49:37 | 4;6–9;2 | Israel | NVIQ, SES | SIM, SEQ | Direct | LITMUS SRep-30, LITMUS CLT, FWD, BWD, ADOS | Morphology, syntax, semantics | DL, SL |
Meir and Novogrodsky (2021) | 92 | 56:36 | 4;6–9;2 | Israel | n/s | SIM, SEQ | Direct | LITMUS SRep-30, LITMUS CLT, ADOS-2 | Morphology, syntax | DL, SL |
Ohashi et al. (2012) | 60 | 49:11 | 2;0–4;4 | Canada | Age, NVIQ | SIM | Direct, indirect b | PLS-4, ADOS, VABS-II, ADI-R | Semantics | L1 |
Peristeri et al. (2020) | 80 | 80:0 | 7;3–12;0 | Greece | Age | SIM | Direct, indirect b | Picture naming test, Sentence repetition task, ENNI | Semantics, syntax | SL |
Petersen et al. (2012) | 28 | 26:2 | 3;7–6;1 | Canada | Age | SIM | Direct, indirect b | PPVT, PLS-3, PCDI, CDI, CCDI | Semantics | SL, TV, CV |
Reetzke et al. (2015) | 54 | 43:11 | 3;9–8;2 | China | n/s | SIM, SEQ | Indirect b | CCC-2, SRS, ALEQ, SCQ, LEI | Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics | DL |
Sen and Geetha (2011) | 15 | 8:7 | 4;0–10;0 | India | Language age, SES | n/s | Direct | LPI Hindi, ELTIC | Semantics, morphology, syntax | L1, L2 |
Sendhilnathan and Chengappa (2020a) | 40 | 29:11 | 4;0–6;11 | Singapore | Age | n/s | Direct | AEPS, Mean length of utterance | Morphology, semantics | L1 or L2 |
Sendhilnathan and Chengappa (2020b) | 40 | 29:11 | 4;0–6;11 | Singapore | Age | n/s | Direct | AEPS | Pragmatics | L1 or L2 |
Siyambalapitiya et al. (2022) | 120 | 98:22 | M: 3;7 | Australia | Chronological age, nonverbal developmental quotient, time between assessments a , gender a , previous language intervention a , childcare attendance prior study entry a , adults in household a , children in household a , number of younger/older siblings a , child medication use a | n/s | Direct, indirect b | SCQ, VABS-II, MSEL | Receptive/ expressive language (n/s) | SL |
Valicenti-McDermott et al. (2013) | 80 | n/a | M: 2;2 | United States | n/s | n/s | Direct, indirect b | RITLS, clinical observation, VABS | Semantics | n/a c |
Valicenti-McDermott et al. (2019) | 462 | 369:93 | 1;0–6;0 | United States | n/s | n/s | Direct, indirect b | Clinical observation, VABS, parent survey | n/s | n/a c |
Vanegas (2019) | 31 | 24:7 | 3;0–12;0 | United States | n/s | n/s | Direct, indirect b | ROWPVT, EOWPVT, PPVT, EVT, VABS | Phonology, semantics | SL |
Zhou et al. (2019) | 37 | 21:16 | Baseline: 1;0–2;2 | United States | Age, NVIQ | n/s | Direct, indirect b | MSEL, VABS-II, MCDI | Semantics | SL |
Note. SIM: simultaneous; L1: first acquired language; L2: second acquired language; NVIQ: nonverbal IQ; n/s: not specified; SEQ: sequential; DL: dominant language; NDL: non-dominant Language; CV: conceptual vocabulary; SL: societal language; SES: socioeconomic status; TV: total vocabulary scores.
Language assessment: PPVT-IV: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 4th edition; ÉVIP-II: Évaluation de vocabulaire en image Peabody, 2nd edition; CELF-5: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, 5th edition; CELF-CF: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamental-Version Canadienne Française; SCQ: Social Communication Questionnaire; M-BLUE: Montréal Bilingual Language Use and Exposure; PPVT: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; CELF-IV: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, 4th edition; ÉVIP: Évaluation de vocabulaire en image Peabody; TVIP: Test de Vocabulario en Imagenes Peabody; VABS-II: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 2nd edition; MCDI: MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory; ADI-R: Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised; LEI: Language Environment Interview; PVT-R: Picture Vocabulary Test—Revised, Japanese Version; CCC-2: Children’s Communication Checklist–2; LITMUS SRep-30: LITMUS Sentence-Repetition task; ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; LITMUS CLT: LITMUS Cross-linguistic lexical task; FWD: Hebrew Forward Digit Span of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; BWD: Hebrew Backward Digit Span of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; ADOS-2: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd edition; PLS-4: Preschool Language Scale, 4th edition; ENNI: Edmonton Narrative Norms Instrument; PLS-3: The Preschool Language Scale; PCDI: Putonghua Communicative Development Inventories; CDI: Communicative Development Inventories; CCDI: Chinese Communicative Development Inventories; SRS: Social Responsiveness Scale; ALEQ: Alberta Language Environment Questionnaire; LPI Hindi: Linguistic Profile Test Hindi; ELTIC English Language Testing for Indian Children; AEPS: Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children; MSEL: Mullen Scales of Early Learning; RITLS: Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale; VABS: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales; ROWPVT: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test; EOWPVT: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test; EVT: Expressive Vocabulary Test.
Indicates that this group matching technique could not be applied to all participants.
Indicates that the indirect measure was a parent report.
Only (nonverbal) communicative measures were reported.