Prevalence of recalling experiences from anaesthetic-induced unresponsiveness (Experiment 1) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (Experiment 2). ∗Differences were not observed in drug plasma concentrations measured immediately before the interview (UR1, UR2, and R3 states combined) between those who reported no recall or content reports in either dexmedetomidine (N=39, F(1, 19)=0.384, P=0.543; geometric mean ContentReport=1.54 ng ml−1; geometric mean NoRecall=1.45 ng ml−1) or propofol (N=29, F(1, 10)=0.589, P=0.460; geometric mean ContentReport=1.05 μg ml−1; geometric mean NoRecall=1.18 μg ml−1) groups. CI, confidence interval; UR, unresponsiveness.