Disconnected and connected experiences during anaesthetic-induced unresponsiveness (Experiment 1) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (Experiment 2). ∗Differences were not observed in drug plasma concentrations measured immediately before the interview (UR1, UR2, and R3 states combined) in the dexmedetomidine group between those who reported or did not report dreaming or memory incorporation (dreaming N=31, F(1, 14)=0.547, P=0.472, geometric mean Dreaming=1.58 ng ml−1, and geometric mean NoDreaming=1.48 ng ml−1; memory incorporation N=31, F(1, 14)=0.053, P=0.822, geometric mean MemoryIncorporation=1.55 ng ml−1, and geometric mean NoMemoryIncorporation=1.49 ng ml−1). In the propofol group, differences were observed in drug plasma concentrations measured immediately before the interview (UR1, UR2, and R3 states combined) between those who reported and did not report dreaming (N=21, F(1, 7)=10.698, P=0.014; geometric mean Dreaming=1.12 μg ml−1; geometric mean NoDreaming=0.83 μg ml−1). Post hoc analyses revealed that UR1 concentration was higher in those participants who reported dreaming (UR1 U=11.0; P=0.024; MedianDreaming=1.20 μg ml−1; MedianNoDreaming=0.79 μg ml−1). Statistically significant differences were not observed in measured UR1 drug plasma concentrations in the propofol group between those who reported and did not report memory incorporation (U=14.5; P=0.250; MedianMemoryIncorporation=0.83 μg ml−1; MedianNoMemoryIncorporation=1.21 μg ml−1) (other comparisons not applicable because of lack of observations in NoMemoryIncorporation category in UR2 and UR3). CI, confidence interval; UR, unresponsiveness.