DCI and no-DCI prediction results for specific patient cases of using nimodipine combined with cilostazol (ground truth was no DCI) or nimodipine only. (A.1) DCI prediction result for both nimodipine and cilostazol used together. (A.2) Risk factors contributing to the feature value. (A.3) Local explanation graph for the patient. (B.1) DCI prediction result for nimodipine used only. (B.2) Contributing risk factors in the feature value. (B.3) Local explanation graph for the patient. Angio_Vaso: angiographic vasospasm, Tx_method: treatment method, Aneurysm_Loc: aneurysm location, HH_Excel: good Hunt–Hess grade (1 and 2) or bad grade (3, 4, and 5), and Aneurysm_Sz: aneurysm size, same as others in Table 1.