Schematic drawing of the genital system of the female glider: (a) intact; (b,c) opened to expose the lumen; the urogenital sinus is marked with a dotted line. (a) The (🞳) urinary bladder is reflected caudally. (b) Schema of the female genitals of a non-pregnant sugar glider, with two independent vaginal sinuses. (c) Schema of the female genitals of a pregnant sugar glider showing a single median vagina (confluent blue arrows). Right structures are represented by an empty pattern and left structures with a filled pattern: (⇨, ➞) ovaries; (□, ■) infundibula of the uterine tubes; (△, ▲) bodies of the uteri; (☆, ★) cervices; (◇, ◆) Lateral vaginae with cranial loop (cr) and caudal loop (cd); (ф) aginal sinus; (Մ) Sinus urogenitalis.