Figure 5.
On the right, a general sketch of the female sugar glider urogenital system ex situ (dorsal view) with the areas’ detailed photographs. Blue inset: ventral view of the female sugar glider’s apparatus genitalis ex situ. The caudal parts of the uteri have been dissected to expose the cervix. The vaginal sinus was opened ventrally to show the uterine papillae and septum. The last section of the right ureter is marked with a dotted line. Specimen is fixed in 76° alcohol. Right structures are represented by an empty pattern and left structures with a filled pattern: (△, ▲) bodies of the uteri; (☆, ★) cervices; (➼) papillae uteri; (S) septum; (ф) vaginal sinus; (◇, ◆) lateral vaginae with cranial loop (cr) and caudal loop (cd); (“) ureter. Red inset: inner dorsal mucosa of the urinary bladder showing the (]) paired ureteral openings (ostium ureteris), close to the neck, and the curved arrow pointing to the internal urethral orifice (ostium urethrae internum).