Figure 7.
Dorsal view of the female sugar glider’s apparatus genitalis ex situ. The large intestine (colon and rectum) has been moved laterally to observe the urogenital sinus. Specimen is fixed in 76° alcohol. (K) Left kidney; (“) ureters; (🞳) urinary bladder. Right structures are represented by an empty pattern and left structures with a filled pattern: (⇨, ➞) ovaries; (△, ▲) bodies of the uteri; (◇, ◆) lateral vaginae with cranial loop (cr) and caudal loop (cd); (ф) vaginal sinus; (Մ) sinus urogenitalis; (○, ●) paracloacal glands; (C) colon; (R) rectum; (black line) cloaca.