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. 2023 Jul 14;15(14):3615. doi: 10.3390/cancers15143615

Table 1.

A description of the key parameters and applications of various scRNA-seq methods.

Method Technology Name Minimum Cells Developer Company Advantages Disadvantages Cost Library Preparation Time Sequencing Depth Applications Platforms for Analysis
Droplet-based Drop-seq 1000 Macosko Lab High throughput, low cost per cell, UMI-based quantification Low coverage, limited information on isoforms, SNPs and VDJ rearrangements, cell doublets may occur USD 0.06–0.2 per cell 1–2 days 0.1–0.5 million reads per cell Cell type identification, gene expression profiling, trajectory inference Seurat, Monocle, Scanpy
inDrop 1000 Klein Lab and Shalek Lab High throughput, low cost per cell, UMI-based quantification, flexible barcode design Low coverage, limited information on isoforms, SNPs and VDJ rearrangements, cell doublets may occur USD 0.06–0.2 per cell 1–2 days 0.1–0.5 million reads per cell Cell type identification, gene expression profiling, trajectory inference Seurat, Monocle, Scanpy
Chromium 10× 500–10,000 10× Genomics High throughput, low cost per cell, UMI-based quantification, multiple applications (e.g., immune profiling, spatial transcriptomics) Low coverage, limited information on isoforms, SNPs and VDJ rearrangements, cell doublets may occur USD 0.55–1.1 per cell 1–2 days 0.5–2 million reads per cell Cell type identification, gene expression profiling, trajectory inference, immune repertoire analysis, spatial transcriptomics Cell Ranger, Seurat, Monocle, Scanpy
Full-length Smart-seq2 (SS2) 1–96 Picelli Lab and Sandberg Lab High coverage, detection of isoforms, SNPs and VDJ rearrangements, low technical noise Low throughput, high cost per cell, no UMI-based quantification USD 35–70 per cell 2–3 days 5–20 million reads per cell Isoform detection and quantification, SNP calling and phasing, VDJ rearrangement analysis Cufflinks, DESeq2, edgeR
Smart-seq3 (SS3) 1–96 Sandberg Lab and Linnarsson Lab High coverage, detection of isoforms, SNPs and VDJ rearrangements, low technical noise, UMI-based quantification Low throughput, high cost per cell, requires fine-tuning to balance internal and UMI-containing reads USD 35–70 per cell (estimated) 2–3 days 5–20 million reads per cell Isoform detection and quantification, SNP calling and phasing, VDJ rearrangement analysis Cufflinks, DESeq2, edgeR
FLASH-seq (FS) 1–96 Picelli Lab High coverage, detection of isoforms, SNPs and VDJ rearrangements, low technical noise, UMI-based quantification with reduced strand-invasion artifacts, fast and simple protocol Low throughput, high cost per cell USD 35–70 per cell (estimated) <4.5 h 5–20 million reads per cell Isoform detection and quantification, SNP calling and phasing, VDJ rearrangement analysis Cufflinks, DESeq2, edgeR

Terms: SNPs: Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms; UMI: Unique Molecular Identifier; VDJ: rearrangement analysis, analyzing gene rearrangements in immune cells.