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. 2023 Jul 15;15(14):3631. doi: 10.3390/cancers15143631

Table 1.

Characteristics and results of studies that reported on spatial white matter tract alteration patterns in glioma patients.

Study No. of Patients (Total) No. of Patients
(Grouped by Tumor Grade)
LGG (%) HGG (%) Tractography Method WM Tract Pattern Classification System Relation between Glioma Grade and Spatial WM Tract Alteration Patterns
et al. 2021 [37]
57 Astrocytoma: grade I (n = 3); grade II (n = 1); grade III (n = 2); GBM (n = 26)

Oligodendroglioma: grade II (n = 13); grade III (n = 12)

Oligoastrocytoma: grade II (n = 3); grade III (n = 3)
30 70 DTI tractography, fiber tracking protocol not specified According to Witwer et al. (2002) [29] LGG (n = 20): 25% displaced; 55% infiltrated; 15% disrupted

HGG (n = 43): 30% displaced; 63% infiltrated; 7% disrupted
et al. 2022 [38]
34 Grade I ganglioglioma (n = 1); grade I pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (n = 1)

Astrocytoma: grade II diffuse astrocytoma (n = 4); grade III anaplastic astrocytoma (n = 9); GBM (n = 14)

Oligodendroglioma: grade III anaplastic oligodendroglioma (n = 5)
18 82 DTI tractography using manual deterministic fiber tracking algorithm, ROI selection method described. Tractography performed by consensus by two neuroradiologists with subspecialized experience in presurgical DTI tractography mapping Self-described classification, partly based on Jellison et al. (2004) [28] and Field et al. (2004) [27]:
Intact tract; Displaced (preserved or elevated FA); Infiltrated/edematous (reduced FA and preserved tract direction, with or without displacement); Destroyed (extremely reduced FA and loss of directional data)
LGG (n = 6): 33% displaced; 50% combined infiltrated/edematous; 0% destroyed

HGG (n = 28): 11% displaced; 64% combined infiltrated/edematous; 25% destroyed
et al. 2018 [39]
16 Only grade II glioma: oligodendroglioma (n = 7); diffuse astrocytoma (n = 5); gemistocytic astrocytoma (n = 2); pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (n = 1); pilomyxoid astrocytoma (n = 1) 100 0 Fiber tracking using QA-based generalized deterministic algorithm. Qualitative evaluation by the consensus of first two authors, blinded to all clinical information Self-described classification:
Unaffected; Displaced (changed tract trajectory due to mass effect); Infiltrated (segment or entire peritumoral tract runs through tumor); Displaced and infiltrated simultaneously; Disruption (tract partially or completely interrupted)
65 tracts analyzed in 16 patients (all grade II): 14% unaffected; 37% displaced; 20% infiltrated; 29% displaced & infiltrated; 0% disrupted
et al. 2015 [40]
11 Not reported 36 64 DTI tractography, fiber tracking protocol not specified. ROI selection by a hand-drawn procedure, using an atlas for more accurate ROI drawing According to Witwer et al. (2002) [29]
LGG (23 tracts analyzed in 4 patients): 65% infiltrated; 31% displaced; 4% disrupted; 0% edematous

HGG (74 tracts analyzed in 7 patients): 49% infiltrated; 20% displaced; 19% disrupted; 12% edematous
et al. 2016 * [31]
34 Only grade II/III glioma (n = 34)

Astrocytoma: grade II (n = 9); grade III (n = 9)

Oligodendroglioma: grade II (n = 13); grade III (n = 3)
65 35 DTI tractography using TrackVis software, ROI selection based on white matter atlas Self-described classification:
Dislocated (tract deviation from expected FA-color map trajectory and located outside tumor area, defined as increased T2-FLAIR signal intensity); Infiltrated (tract runs through increased T2-FLAIR tumor area).
LGG (n = 22): 55% dislocated; 77% infiltrated

HGG (n = 12): 42% dislocated; 92% infiltrated
et al. 2018 [41]
29 Not reported 41 59 DTI tractography using deterministic tracking algorithm. Data were reviewed by the senior faculty of neurosurgery According to Jellison et al. (2004) [28]
LGG (n = 12): 75% displaced; 25% infiltrated/disrupted

HGG (n = 17): 29% displaced; 71% infiltrated/disrupted
et al. 2017 * [32]
45 Astrocytoma: grade I (n = 5); grade II (n = 3); grade III (n = 15); GBM (n = 15)

Oligodendroglioma: grade II (n = 5); grade III (n = 1)

Gliosarcoma (n = 1)
29 71 DTI tractography, fiber tracking using line propagation technique. ROI selection method described Combination of Witwer et al. (2002) [29] and Field et al. (2004) [27]
LGG (n = 13): 92% displaced; 8% infiltrated; 0% disruption

HGG (n = 32): 28% displaced; 16% infiltrated; 56% disrupted
et al. 2021 [42]
20 Not reported 30 70 DTI tractography, fiber tracking protocol not specified. ROI selection method described per tract According to Jellison et al. (2004) [28] LGG (n = 6): 33% unaffected; 83% displaced; 67% edematous; 17% infiltrated; 0% destructed

HGG (n = 14) 0% unaffected; 71% displaced; 50% edematous; 79% infiltrated; 29% destructed.

Significant difference for infiltration between the 2 groups (p = 0.018)
et al. 2005 * [30]
12 Astrocytoma: grade II (n = 1) grade III (n = 2)

Oligodendroglioma: grade II (n = 1)

Oligoastrocytoma grade III (n = 4)

GBM (n = 4)
17 83 DTI tractography, using probabilistic fiber tracking in anterograde and retrograde direction. ROI selection method described per tract Self-described classification:
Simple displacement (tract location altered but integrity preserved); Displacement with disruption (reduced fibers with displacement of residual tract); Simple disruption (reduced fibers without displacement of residual tract)
LGG (6 tracts analyzed in 2 patients): 17% simple displacement; 33% simple disruption; 50% not measurably involved

HGG (30 tracts analyzed in 10 patients): 7% simple displacement; 7% simple disruption; 30% displacement with disruption; 57% not measurably involved
et al. 2012 [43]
9 Grade II (n = 2); grade III/IV (n = 7) 22 78 DTI tractography, fiber tracking using line propagation technique. ROI selection method described per tract According to Witwer et al. (2002) [29] LGG (n = 2): 100% displaced; 100% infiltrated; 0% disrupted
HGG (n = 7): 0% displaced; 100% infiltrated; 100% disrupted
et al. 2016 [44]
25 Grade I (n = 2); grade II (n = 8); grade III (n = 4); grade IV (n = 11) 40 60 DTI tractography, fiber tracking protocol and ROI selection method not specified
Self-described classification:
Intact (tract position far from tumor and edema, with unchanged trajectory and tract thickness); Displaced (tract trajectory is changed and runs along tumor border); Infiltrated (tract located inside tumor, with thinner tract)
LGG (n = 10): 50% intact; 30% displaced; 20% infiltrated.

HGG (n = 15): 40% intact; 20% displaced; 40% infiltrated

* Outcomes of interest manually calculated from extracted raw data.