Table 1.
Attribute | Attribute Description | Level 1 (Reference) | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Decision making | Final decision on the implantation of a specific manufacturer’s CI model lies… | Only with your doctor [decisionDOC] | With you and your doctor [decisionSHARED, β1] | Only with you [decisionPAT, β2] |
Information source | Obtaining information about developments regarding the CI and care context: | Through own research [infoRESEARCH] | Automatically by the manufacturer [infoMANU, β3] | Automatically by the clinic or audiologist [infoCLINIC, β4] |
Access to alternative treatments in the future | Other treatment options after CI implantation, which are still being researched and may be available in the future... | Are excluded [futureoptionEXCLUDED] | Remain available [futureoptionPRESERVE, β5] | - |
Technological compatibility | Compatibility with newer CI models and accessories or devices from other manufacturers | Not compatible [technUNCOMPATIBLE] | Compatible [technCOMPATIBLE, β6] | - |
Care relationship in aftercare | Carrying out aftercare: | Fixed staff of professionals who are in exchange [aftercareFIXED] | Varying professionals according to specific needs [aftercareVARYING, β7] | - |
Education | Education regarding adjustments, decisions and innovations regarding your CI is... | Not very comprehensive [educationLITTLE] | Very comprehensive [educationCOMPR, β8] | - |
Attribute | Attribute description | Level 1 (Reference) | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Decision making | Final decision on the implantation of a specific manufacturer’s CI model lies… | Only with your doctor [decisionDOC] | With you and your doctor [decisionSHARED, β1] | Only with you [decisionPAT, β2] |
Means in case of implant failure | Corrective measure in the event that the implant does not (or no longer) work | Implant stays in the eye [failureSTAY] | Correction by means of intervention [failureCORRECTION, β3] | Implant removal [failureREMOVAL, β4] |
Probability of treatment success | Chances of success of still not needing glaucoma medication 2 years after implantation are: | Over 50% [chancesofsuccessLOWER] | Over 75% [chancesofsuccessHIGHER, β5] | - |
Information source | Information that goes beyond implantation and aftercare (e.g., on nutrition, drops for dry eyes, glasses, etc.) will be provided… | In the context of implant care from the medical side [infosourceMEDICAL] | From independent information sources (e.g., glaucoma forum) [infosourceINDEPENDENT, β6] | - |
Data transparency | Statistics and empirical values on implantation in the treating clinic… | Are not available [dataNONAVAILABLE] | Are available [dataAVAILABLE, β7] | - |
Information exchange between health professionals | Exchange of information between different health professionals (e.g., resident ophthalmologist, family doctor and clinic) | You coordinate yourself [infoexchangePAT] | Takes place automatically [infoexchangeAUTOM, β8] | - |
Attribute | Attribute description | Level 1 (Reference) | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Decision making | Final decision on the implantation of a specific manufacturer’s CI model lies… | Only with your doctor [decisionDOC] | With you and your doctor [decisionSHARED, β1] | Only with you [decisionPAT, β2] |
Information source | Information that goes beyond implantation and aftercare (e.g., on nutrition, lifestyle, etc.) will be provided… | In the context of implant care from the medical side [infoMEDICAL] | From independent information sources (e.g., German Heart Foundation) [infosourceINDEPENDENT, β3] | - |
Data transparency | Statistics and empirical values on stent implantation in the treating heart clinic… | Are not available [dataNONAVAILABLE] | Are available [dataAVAILABLE, β4] | - |
Information exchange between health professionals | Exchange of information between different health professionals (e.g., family doctor, clinic and other health professionals) | You coordinate yourself [infoexchangePAT] | Takes place automatically [infoexchangeAUTOM, β5] | - |
Means of maintaining treatment success | The long-term success of the treatment can be secured by… | Lifelong medication (e.g., blood thinners) [successMEDICATION] | New implant every 10 years [successREIMPL, β6] | - |
Invasiveness of intervention | The implant is inserted… | Minimally invasive (without opening the chest) [invasivenessMIN] | Surgical (chest opening) [invasivenessSURGERY, β7] | - |
Note. []—Given in square brackets are the names of the variables used in the regression analysis relating to each attribute level and the corresponding beta coefficients.