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. 2023 Jul 19;11(14):2064. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11142064

Table 3.

Articles considered in the literature review.

Articles Objective MoCS and Kinematics (Movements) Reference System Time
(Days or Months)
Age and Sample Size Surgery Region of the Body Comparison
Lang et al., 2022 [8] Scapular kinematics and impingement pain during an overhead reach task Vicon motion System (optoelectronic system)
Functional movement (overhead reaching task)
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) (torso cluster) >6 months after surgery 35–65 years old
n = 95
Mastectomy and reconstruction post-mastectomy Scapula (internal/external rotation, upward/downward rotation and anterior/posterior tilt) Control healthy group;
Mastectomy group;
Reconstruction group
Crosbie et al., 2010 [2] Shoulder girdle kinematics and control group Motion star wireless (electromagnetic system)
Forward flexion, abduction, movement in the scapular plane
Local coordinate system, 6-degree-of-freedom >12 months after surgery 44–88 years old
n = 75
Mastectomy Scapulothoracic (upward/downward rotation, internal/external rotation, anterior/posterior tilt).
Trunk (flexion, extension, lateral flexion, axial rotation of thoracic and lumbar region)
Control healthy group;
Mastectomy dominant side;
Mastectomy nondominant side
Shamley et al., 2012 [26] Impact of a mastectomy vs. a wide local excision 3 Space Fastrak (electromagnetic system)
Elevation and depression arm in the scapular plane
ISB standard (thorax, scapula, humerus) 1143.81 (534.77) days after surgery 61.6 (9.1) years old
n = 176
Mastectomy and wide local excision Scapula
(internal/external rotation, upward/downward rotation and anterior/posterior tilt)
Mastectomy group;
Wide local excision group (Both left and right affected sides)
García-González et al., 2022 [9] Shoulder kinematics before and after mastectomy Vicon Nexus System (optoelectronic system)
Flexion-extension and abduction-adduction movement
Three orthogonal coordinate axes systems (torso, left and right arms) <15 days before surgery
60 days after surgery
46.7 (8.2) years old
n = 15
Mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection Glenohumeral joint (flexion/extension and abduction/adduction) Mastectomy group before and after surgery
Corrado et al., 2018 [21] Effects of home exercise program on upper limb function SMART-DX
(optoelectronic system)
Functional task (hand-to-mouth, reaching-arm, hand-to-head)
ROM task (shoulder flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, elbow flexión/extension)
International shoulder groups (ISB) protocol 1 and 3 months after surgery 55.8 mean age
n = 30
Modified radical mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection Shoulder and elbow (movement duration and angular velocity) Patients without home exercise program;
Patients with home exercise program
Shamley et al., 2009 [11] Scapulothoracic kinematics between affected and unaffected side The Polhemus Fastrak (electromagnetic system)
Humeral elevation and depression in the scapular plane
ISB protocol (orientation of the scapula relative to the trunk) 1144 (537) mean days after surgery 61.8 (8.9) mean years
n = 152
Mastectomy and wide local excision Scapula
(protaction/retraction, lateral/medial rotation, anterior/posterior tilt)
Affected side left and right;
Unaffected side left and right
Balzarini et al., 2006 [19] Alterations in postural strategies due to increased weight and volume of the arm due to lymphedema ELITE 2002 (optoelectronic system)
Shoulder retroposition and abduction movements
Global coordinate system, trajectories (X, Y, Z) of the markers The evaluation time after the mastectomy is not clear. 58.9 mean age
n = 17
Quadrantectomy and modified radical mastectomy ROM of the shoulder girdle and the affected arm. Unaffected side in the mastectomy group
Baran et al., 2021 [6] Breast cancer-related lymphedema on shoulder girdle kinematics Flock of birds
(Electromagnetic system)
Elevation in the scapular plane
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) 32.5 (26.8) mean months since surgery 50.9 (7.3) mean age
n = 67
Modified radical or radical mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection Scapula (internal-external rotation, upward-downward rotation and anterior-posterior tilt) Non lymphedema group;
Moderate lymphedema group;
Severe lymphedema group
Braudy et al., 2022 [22] Kinematics between women with and without axillary web syndrome Polhemus 3Space FASTRAK (electromagnetic system)
Arm forward flexion, scapular plane abduction, coronal plane abduction
ISB recommendations >5 years after surgery 54 (10)
Mean age at surgery
n = 25
Lumpectomy, mastectomy, and axillary surgery Scapulothoracic (internal and upward rotation and posterior tilt)
Humerothoracic (elevation, elevation plane, and axial rotation)
Axillary web syndrome;
Non-axillary web syndrome
Lang et al., 2020 [12] Scapular upward rotation and scapulohumeral rhythm during arm elevation Vicon Motion System
(Optoelectronic system)
Three elevations in frontal, scapular, and sagittal plane. Functional task (overhead reach, overhead lift, and fingertip dexterity)
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) 50.9 (45.7) mean months since surgery 53.1 (5.5) mean age
n = 50
Mastectomy and lymph node removal Scapula (upward rotation) and
Scapulohumeral rhythm
Non-cancer controls group;
Breast cancer survivors group (pain and no pain)
Lang et al., 2019 [1] Torso and shoulder kinematics during common task Vicon Motion System
(Optoelectronic system)
Work-related functional task (overhead reach, repetitive reach, fingertip dexterity, hand and forearm dexterity, waist to overhead lift, overhead work)
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) 42.5 (41.6) months since surgery 52.8 (5.4) mean age
n = 50
Mastectomy and lymph node removal Torso (flexion/extension, lateral flexion/extension, axial rotation)
Thoracohumeral (abduction/adduction, flexion/extension, internal/external rotation)
Scapula (protraction/retraction, upward/downward rotation, anterior/posterior tilt)
Breast cancer survivors (with and without impingement pain) group;
Control group
Lang et al., 2022 [18] Accuracy of the AMC (acromion marker cluster) for scapula motion tracking Vicon Motion System
(Optoelectronic system)
Humeral elevation in frontal plane
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) 56.8 (4.7) months since mastectomy 54.1 (5.2) mean age
n = 50
Mastectomy Scapula (protraction, rotation, and tilt) Breast cancer survivors group;
Control group
Brookham et al., 2018 [4] Humerothoracic, scapulothoracic kinematics in functional dynamic task Vicon Motion System
(Optoelectronic system)
Task of shoulder ROM, ADL task (personal body care activities), and work task (reaching task with and without loads)
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) >3 months after completing treatment 59.4 (9.7) mean age
n = 50
Mastectomy, lumpectomy, axillar node dissection Scapulothoracic (upward/downward rotation, anterior/posterior tilt, retraction/protraction)
Humerothoracic angle (elevation angle; plane of elevation: flexion, abduction; external/internal rotation)
Affected side group;
Unaffected side group
Maciukiewicz et al., 2022 [23] Range of motion and strength follow breast cancer treatment Vicon Motion System (Optoelectronic system)
Arm flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, scapular abduction, and internal–external rotation
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics >1 year after surgery 53.9 (10.3) mean age
n = 29
Any form of surgical procedure for breast tumor removal Humerothoracic joint range of motion (flexion, extension, scapular abduction, abduction, internal and external rotation) One year of treatment ending group;
Between one and two years after treatment ended group
Ribeiro et al., 2019 [5] Scapular kinematics during elevation of the arm Flock of birds
(Electromagnetic system)
Elevation of the arm in the scapular plane
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics 24.2 (20.5) median months since surgery 50.2 (9.8) mean age
n = 42
Conserving surgery or mastectomy Scapula (internal/external rotation, upward rotation, anterior/posterior tilt) Control group;
Surgery group
Lang et al., 2022 [7] Breast reconstruction on kinematics during functional task Vicon Motion System (Optoelectronic system)
Maximum arm abduction and extension. Additionally, functional task (right and left repetitive reach, right and left fingertip dexterity, overhead lift, and overhead work)
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) 56.8 (42.1) mean months after surgery 54.0 (5.1) mean age
n = 95
Mastectomy, reconstruction post-mastectomy, and lymph node removal Shoulder range of motion (abduction and extension).
Thoracohumeral (abduction, horizontal flexion, axial rotation). Additionally, scapular (protraction/retraction, upward/downward rotation, anterior/posterior tilt)
Control group;
Mastectomy-only group;
Mastectomy with reconstruction
Lopot et al., 2019 [24] Extent of breathing movements of the thoracic and abdominal wall Qualisys (Optoelectronic kinematic analyzer)
Mild and deep breath
Global coordinate system, trajectories (X, Y, Z) >5 years after surgery 64.5 average age
n = 12
Total breast mastectomy Thoracic and abdominal wall Control health group;
Mastectomy group
Spinelli et al., 2016 [27] Range of motion during functional task Liberty Polhemus (electromagnetic system)
Functional task (unweighted and weighted overhead reaching, and simulated hair combing)
Recommendations of the International Society of Biomechanics 29.4 (10.8) mean months since surgery 53.8 (10.9) mean age
n = 60
Lumpectomy, mastectomy, and lymph node surgery Scapulothoracic range of motion (elevation, internal/external rotation, clavicular elevation/retraction, upward rotation, posterior til)
Glenohumeral range of motion (adduction, external rotation)
Control group;
Breast cancer treatment group
Rundquist et al., 2015 [20] Lymphedema and decreased range of motion The Motion Monitor 3D (electromagnetic system)
Shoulder flexion, abduction, external and internal rotation
Local coordinate system. 72.3 (64.3) mean months from surgery 57.8 (10.1) mean age
n = 30
Mastectomy Shoulder range of motion (flexion, abduction, external and internal rotation) Involved upper extremity;
Uninvolved upper extremity
Shamley et al., 2014 [25] Muscle activity and movement deviations The 3 Space Fastrak (electromagnetic system)
Arm elevation and depression in the scapular plane
International Shoulder Group (ISG) protocol 1143.8 (534.7) mean days after surgery 61.6 (9.1) mean age
n = 176
Mastectomy and wide local excision Scapula
(internal/external rotation, upward/downward rotation, anterior/posterior tilt)
Affected side left and right;
Unaffected side left and right