Table 1.
Species | Code | Institution | Locality |
Chiropotes satanas | Cs196 | UFPA | 1 |
Chiropotes satanas | Cs197 | UFPA | 1 |
Chiropotes satanas | Cs198 | UFPA | 1 |
Chiropotes utahicki | Cs1096 | UFPA | 2 |
Chiropotes utahicki | Cs1307 | UFPA | 2 |
Chiropotes utahicki | Cs970 | UFPA | 2 |
Chiropotes utahicki | Cs1244 | UFPA | 2 |
Chiropotes utahicki | Cs614 | UFPA | 2 |
Chiropotes albinasus | CTGAM213 | UFAM | 3 |
Chiropotes albinasus | CTGAM430 | UFAM | 3 * |
Chiropotes albinasus | CTGAM435 | UFAM | 3 * |
Chiropotes albinasus | Sant01 | UFPA | 4 |
Chiropotes sagulatus | Cs3058 | UFPA | 5 |
Chiropotes sagulatus | BDAAC | UFPA | 5 |
Chiropotes sagulatus | BDAAB | UFPA | 5 |
Chiropotes chiropotes | No code | GenBank | 6 |
Cacajao calvus | No code | GenBank | NI |
Cacajao melanocephalus | CTGAM5663 | UFAM | 7 |
Cacajao melanocephalus | CTGAM5665 | UFAM | 7 |
Pithecia Pithecia | Pit22 | UFPA | 8 |
Plecturocebus moloch | MCB79 | UFPA | 9 |
1: east bank of the Tocantins River, UHE Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil; 2: west bank of the Tocantins River, UHE Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil; 3: west bank of Tapajós River; 3 *: east bank of Tapajós River; 4: east bank of the Tapajós River, Santarém, Pará, Brazil; 5: west bank of the Trombetas River, Cachoeira Porteira, Oriximiná, Pará, Brazil; 6: east bank of the Mucajaí River, Roraima, Brazil; 7: east bank of Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil; 8: east bank of the Jari River, Amapá, Brazil; 9: west bank of the Xingu River, UHE Belo Monte, Pará, Brazil; NI; No information.