Figure 1.
The impact of Nannochloropsis oceanica microalga lipid extracts on the viability of keratinocytes. The cells were subjected to varying concentrations of the extract (0–0.1 mg/mL) for 24 h, with UVB exposure (60 mJ/cm2, UVB and UVB + algae) and without UVB exposure (control and algae). The control group was not subjected to UVB or algae extract. The mean values ± standard deviation (n = 5 for each group) are presented. The statistically significant differences are denoted as follows: “x” indicates a comparison to the control group (control vs. all groups); “a” indicates a comparison to the group of keratinocytes that were exposed only to UVB (UVB group); “b” indicates a comparison to the group of keratinocytes that were exposed to the same concentration of microalgae extract (algae vs. algae + UVB). Groups with the same letter indicate significant differences between them (p < 0.05).