(A) Various β-cyclodextrins inhibit S protein pseudovirion uptake in ARPE-19 cells. Fold difference in uptake of original spike-pseudotyped lentiviruses at MOI 10 in the presence of 0.05–5 mM concentrations of cyclodextrins α-CD, β-CD, 2-HPβ-CD and Mβ-CD (top set of panels, from left to right respectively) at 24 h (□) and 48 h (■). (B) GFP fluorescence (green) analysis of infected ARPE-19 cells with Expi293-produced pseudovirions in the presence of various concentrations of α-CD; α-CD, α-cyclodextrin; β-CD, β-cyclodextrin; 2-HPβ-CD, 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin; and Mβ-CD, methyl-β-cyclodextrin. 4× magnification, scale bar: 180 µm.