Figure 3.
The complex structure of beta-trypsin (on the left, target in cartoon representation) and p-amidinobenzamidine (ligand marked with spheres). The target–ligand interface extracted for ΔHb calculations is marked with a box. The close-up of the dry (middle) and explicitly hydrated (right, used for hybrid calculations) interface with a ligand in sticks representation. Relative errors (RE) of the calculated binding enthalpy (ΔHb) values of the dry and hybrid models are indicated below the corresponding interface structure. The RE values were calculated as RE(%) = 100 (ΔHb,calculated − ΔHb,experimental)/ΔHb,experimental. The coordinates and ΔHb values were re-used from a previous study [143] (Table 1 and Supporting Supplementary Table S5, β = 0). The incorporation of explicit water molecules in the ΔHb calculation considerably reduced the RE in this case.