Characteristics of study subjects
Isolate | Age (yr), gendera | Risk factorb | Date HIV-negative or indeter-minate sample obtained (day-mo-yr) | Date HIV-positive sample obtained (day-mo-yr) | Date sample for coculture obtained (day-mo-yr) |
93IN904 | 28, F | Transfusion | 17-Sep-92 | 04-Nov-92 | 27-Mar-93 |
93IN905 | 23, F | Transfusion | 17-Jun-92 | 30-Sep-92 | 27-Mar-93 |
93IN999 | 52, M | Sex with men and CSW | 09-Nov-92 | 22-Dec-92 | 24-Apr-93 |
94IN11246 | 26, M | Sex with CSW | 23-May-94 | 15-Oct-94 | 25-Oct-94 |
95IN21068 | 21, M | GUD | 13-Apr-94 | 01-Aug-94 | 18-Feb-95 |
95IN21301 | 40, M | Sex with CSW | 24-Jun-94 | 01-Feb-95 | 03-Apr-95 |
F, female; M, male.
CSW, commercial sex worker; GUD, genital ulcer disease.