Representative phase‐resolved Doppler optical coherence tomography images obtained 33, 53, and 180 μm from the brain surface (A–C, respectively). Pial arteries/veins can be seen on the brain surface, and penetrating arterioles/venules (green arrows) and capillaries (white arrows) are seen in deeper layers of the cortex in a vertical direction. Bars, 50 μm (A–C). Red/yellow and blue/turquoise colors indicate ascending and descending flow, respectively. D, The weighted average capillary flow velocity was similar 3 hours after reperfusion but increased at the 24‐hour follow‐up compared with that observed at baseline. Error bars=SE. Measurements from capillaries for each mouse at each time point were averaged and plotted as a bar graph. Individual capillary velocity measurements from all mice are plotted on top of bar graphs. The weighted average of capillary flow velocities at the 2 follow‐up time points were compared with baseline using repeated measures 1‐way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparisons test. *P<0.05 n=6, measurements from 47, 28, and 37 individual capillaries at baseline, 3‐hour, and 24‐hour follow‐up, respectively.