Table 1.
Sample Sizes and Descriptions of Sleep and Psychopathology Phenotypes
Trait | Sample/Effective N | Description/Ascertainment | Coding | Reference |
Circadian Preference | Higher score = more morningness | |||
Chronotype | UKB, 23andMe/449,734 | “Do you consider yourself to be: Definitely an evening person, More an evening than morning person, More a morning than an evening person, Definitely a morning person” | Ordinal scale: −2, −1, 1, 2 | Jones et al., 2019 (13) |
Sleep midpointa | UKB/85,810 | Calculated for each sleep period as the midpoint between the start of the first detected sleep episode and the end of the last sleep episode | Clock times: continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Least active 5 hoursa | UKB/85,205 | Midpoint of the least active 5 hours of each day; the least active 5 hours was defined as the 5-hour period with the minimum average acceleration | Clock times: continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Most active 10 hoursa | UKB/85,670 | Midpoint of the most active 10 hours of each day; the most active 10 hours was defined as the 10-hour period with the maximum average acceleration | Clock times: continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Efficiency | Higher score = better sleep efficiency | |||
Sleep efficiency | UKB/84,810 | Sleep duration divided by the time between the start and end of the first and last nocturnal inactivity period, respectively | Continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Number of sleep episodesa | UKB/84,810 | Periods of at least 5 min with no change larger than 5° associated with the z-axis of the activity-monitor | Continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Alertness | Higher score = more daytime alertness | |||
Daytime sleepinessa | UKB/452,071 | “How likely are you to fall asleep when you don’t mean to?” | Never, sometimes, often, or all of the time | Wang et al., 2019 (21) |
Diurnal inactivitya | UKB/84,757 | Total daily duration of estimated bouts of inactivity that fell outside of the sleep window; this measure captures very inactive states such as napping and wakeful rest but not inactivity such as sitting and reading or watching television, which are associated with a low but detectable level of movement. | Continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Nappinga | UKB/452,633 | “Do you nap during the day?” | Never/rarely, sometimes, usually | Dashti et al., 2021 (22) |
Duration | Higher score = longer sleep duration | |||
Self-reported sleep duration | UKB/446,118 | “On average how much do you sleep?” | Continuous | Dashti et al., 2019 (18) |
Short sleep durationb | 346,794 | “On average how much do you sleep?” | Case (6 h or less), control | Dashti et al., 2019 (18) |
Long sleep durationb | 135,283 | “On average how much do you sleep?” | Case (9 h or less), control | Dashti et al., 2019 (18) |
Sleep duration actigraphyb | UKB/85,449 | Summed duration of all sleep episodes | Continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Noninsomnia | Higher score = no insomnia liability | |||
Insomniaa | UKB/259,365 | “Do you have trouble falling asleep at night, or do you wake up in the middle of the night?” | Case (usually), control (never/rarely) | Lane et al., 2019 (14) |
Regularity | Higher score = more sleep time regularity | |||
Standard deviation sleep duration actigraphya | UKB/84,441 | Standard deviation of the summed duration of all actigraphy sleep episodes | Continuous | Jones et al., 2019 (23) |
Internalizing | Higher score = internalizing psychopathology liability | |||
Anxiety | UKB/259,365 | DSM-based anxiety disorders diagnoses | Case/control | Purves et al., 2019 (25) |
MDD | PGC, UKB/424,616 | Self-report | Case/control | Howard et al., 2019 (26) |
PTSD | Meta-analysis of 11 cohorts/30,273 | DSM-IV | Case/control | Nievergelt et al., 2019 (24) |
Externalizing | Higher score = externalizing psychopathology liability | |||
Problematic alcohol use | UKB/17,852 | AUDIT problematic use | Continuous | Sanchez-Roige et al., 2018 (34) |
Cigarettes per day | GSCAN/337,334 | 1: 1–5, 2: 6–15, 3: 16–25, 4: 26–35, 5: 36+ cigarettes per day | Quasi-continuous | Liu et al., 2019 (33) |
Cannabis use disorder | PGC, iPsych, deCode/384,032 | DSM-IV, DSM-III-R, ICD-10 | Case/control | Johnson et al., 2020 (28) |
ADHD | PGC, iPsych/22,842 | ICD-10 | Case/control | Demontis et al., 2018 (27) |
Psychosis Thought Disorders | Higher score = psychosis psychopathology liability | |||
Schizophrenia | PGC/69,279 | DSM-IV, ICD-10, SCID | Case/control | Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014 (30) |
Bipolar disorder | PGC/50,981 | DSM-IV, ICD-9, or ICD-10 | Case/control | Mullins et al., 2021 (29) |
Compulsive Thought Disorders | Higher score = compulsive psychopathology liability | |||
OCD | IOCDF-GC, OCGAS/3890 | DSM-IV | Case/control | International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Genetics Collaborative (IOCDF-GC) and OCD Collaborative Genetics Association Studies (OCGAS), 2018 (31) |
Anorexia nervosa | PGC, ANGI/23,160 | DSM III-R, DSM-IV, ICD-8, ICD-9, ICD-10, and self-report | Case/control | Watson et al., 2019 (32) |
This table presents summary statistics from previously published genome-wide association studies. Sample size is the effective N, calculated as suggested by the Genomic SEM Wiki (Eff N = 4 × v × [1 − v] × [Ncases + Ncontrols]; v = sample proportion of cases) for case/control traits and full sample for continuous traits or meta-analyses.
ANGI, Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative; AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; GSCAN, GWAS & Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine use; GWAS, genome-wide association study; IOCDF-GC, International OCD Foundation Genetics Collaborative; MDD, major depressive disorder; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; OCGAS, OCD Collaborative Genetics Association Study; PGC, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM; UKB, UK Biobank.
Summary statistics were reverse coded by multiplying the z-statistic by −1 before being used in analyses.
Summary statistics were not used in the final sleep health model. See Figure S3 for full correlation matrix with all sleep health and psychopathology traits.