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. 2022 Jul 22;3(3):530–540. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsgos.2022.07.002

Table 1.

Sample Sizes and Descriptions of Sleep and Psychopathology Phenotypes

Trait Sample/Effective N Description/Ascertainment Coding Reference
Circadian Preference Higher score = more morningness
 Chronotype UKB, 23andMe/449,734 “Do you consider yourself to be: Definitely an evening person, More an evening than morning person, More a morning than an evening person, Definitely a morning person” Ordinal scale: −2, −1, 1, 2 Jones et al., 2019 (13)
 Sleep midpointa UKB/85,810 Calculated for each sleep period as the midpoint between the start of the first detected sleep episode and the end of the last sleep episode Clock times: continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
 Least active 5 hoursa UKB/85,205 Midpoint of the least active 5 hours of each day; the least active 5 hours was defined as the 5-hour period with the minimum average acceleration Clock times: continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
 Most active 10 hoursa UKB/85,670 Midpoint of the most active 10 hours of each day; the most active 10 hours was defined as the 10-hour period with the maximum average acceleration Clock times: continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
Efficiency Higher score = better sleep efficiency
 Sleep efficiency UKB/84,810 Sleep duration divided by the time between the start and end of the first and last nocturnal inactivity period, respectively Continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
 Number of sleep episodesa UKB/84,810 Periods of at least 5 min with no change larger than 5° associated with the z-axis of the activity-monitor Continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
Alertness Higher score = more daytime alertness
 Daytime sleepinessa UKB/452,071 “How likely are you to fall asleep when you don’t mean to?” Never, sometimes, often, or all of the time Wang et al., 2019 (21)
 Diurnal inactivitya UKB/84,757 Total daily duration of estimated bouts of inactivity that fell outside of the sleep window; this measure captures very inactive states such as napping and wakeful rest but not inactivity such as sitting and reading or watching television, which are associated with a low but detectable level of movement. Continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
 Nappinga UKB/452,633 “Do you nap during the day?” Never/rarely, sometimes, usually Dashti et al., 2021 (22)
Duration Higher score = longer sleep duration
 Self-reported sleep duration UKB/446,118 “On average how much do you sleep?” Continuous Dashti et al., 2019 (18)
 Short sleep durationb 346,794 “On average how much do you sleep?” Case (6 h or less), control Dashti et al., 2019 (18)
 Long sleep durationb 135,283 “On average how much do you sleep?” Case (9 h or less), control Dashti et al., 2019 (18)
 Sleep duration actigraphyb UKB/85,449 Summed duration of all sleep episodes Continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
Noninsomnia Higher score = no insomnia liability
 Insomniaa UKB/259,365 “Do you have trouble falling asleep at night, or do you wake up in the middle of the night?” Case (usually), control (never/rarely) Lane et al., 2019 (14)
Regularity Higher score = more sleep time regularity
 Standard deviation sleep duration actigraphya UKB/84,441 Standard deviation of the summed duration of all actigraphy sleep episodes Continuous Jones et al., 2019 (23)
Internalizing Higher score = internalizing psychopathology liability
 Anxiety UKB/259,365 DSM-based anxiety disorders diagnoses Case/control Purves et al., 2019 (25)
 MDD PGC, UKB/424,616 Self-report Case/control Howard et al., 2019 (26)
 PTSD Meta-analysis of 11 cohorts/30,273 DSM-IV Case/control Nievergelt et al., 2019 (24)
Externalizing Higher score = externalizing psychopathology liability
 Problematic alcohol use UKB/17,852 AUDIT problematic use Continuous Sanchez-Roige et al., 2018 (34)
 Cigarettes per day GSCAN/337,334 1: 1–5, 2: 6–15, 3: 16–25, 4: 26–35, 5: 36+ cigarettes per day Quasi-continuous Liu et al., 2019 (33)
 Cannabis use disorder PGC, iPsych, deCode/384,032 DSM-IV, DSM-III-R, ICD-10 Case/control Johnson et al., 2020 (28)
 ADHD PGC, iPsych/22,842 ICD-10 Case/control Demontis et al., 2018 (27)
Psychosis Thought Disorders Higher score = psychosis psychopathology liability
 Schizophrenia PGC/69,279 DSM-IV, ICD-10, SCID Case/control Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014 (30)
 Bipolar disorder PGC/50,981 DSM-IV, ICD-9, or ICD-10 Case/control Mullins et al., 2021 (29)
Compulsive Thought Disorders Higher score = compulsive psychopathology liability
 OCD IOCDF-GC, OCGAS/3890 DSM-IV Case/control International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Genetics Collaborative (IOCDF-GC) and OCD Collaborative Genetics Association Studies (OCGAS), 2018 (31)
 Anorexia nervosa PGC, ANGI/23,160 DSM III-R, DSM-IV, ICD-8, ICD-9, ICD-10, and self-report Case/control Watson et al., 2019 (32)

This table presents summary statistics from previously published genome-wide association studies. Sample size is the effective N, calculated as suggested by the Genomic SEM Wiki (Eff N = 4 × v × [1 − v] × [Ncases + Ncontrols]; v = sample proportion of cases) for case/control traits and full sample for continuous traits or meta-analyses.

ANGI, Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative; AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; GSCAN, GWAS & Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine use; GWAS, genome-wide association study; IOCDF-GC, International OCD Foundation Genetics Collaborative; MDD, major depressive disorder; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; OCGAS, OCD Collaborative Genetics Association Study; PGC, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM; UKB, UK Biobank.


Summary statistics were reverse coded by multiplying the z-statistic by −1 before being used in analyses.


Summary statistics were not used in the final sleep health model. See Figure S3 for full correlation matrix with all sleep health and psychopathology traits.