Binding of SARS-CoV-2-S1-RBD to the ACE2-SLC6A20 heterodimeric complex. (a) Impact of SLC6A20_WT and SLC6A20_I529V on the binding of ACE2 to RBD. The data shows a stronger binding of RBD to ACE2-SLC6A20 WT. The SLC20_I529V variant showed a reduction in binding affinity. A serial dilution of RBD from 5 μM to 0.15 nM was used. Three biological replicates with at least two technical replicates each were performed. (b) Dose response and MST traces. Top: ACE2 + empty vector; middle: ACE2 + SLC6A20_WT; bottom: ACE2 + SLC6A20_I529V. (c) Structure of ACE2-SLC6A20 complex binding to RBD based on PDB ID: 7Y75 ( (Shen, Y.P., Li, Y.N., Zhang, Y.Y., Yan, R.H., [33]). The figure was created using the BioRender software (