Disease suppression by Bacillus velezensis strain GFB08 under greenhouse conditions. (A) C spaethianum strain SX15-2. (B) S. vesicarium strain SX20-2. Un, uninoculated plants; Cs, plants inoculated with C. spaethianum strain SX15-2 only; Sv, plants inoculated with S. vesicarium strain SX20-2 only; Re, cell suspension of B. velezensis GFB08 was applied on leaves of Welsh onion one day prior to inoculation with the pathogen and re-applied two times at three and ten dpi; Cur, cell suspension of B. velezensis strain GFB08 was applied on leaves of Welsh onion one day after inoculation with pathogen; Pre, cell suspension of B. velezensis strain GFB08 was applied on leaves of Welsh onion one day prior to inoculation with the pathogen; Fungicide, mixture of pyraclostrobin plus boscalid was applied one day after pathogen inoculation. Columns represent means of four technical repeats and two biological repeats and the vertical bars indicate standard error. Columns with different letters are significantly different according to Tukey’s HSD (p ≤ 0.05).