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. 2023 Jan 20;16(8):1265–1277. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfad012

Table 4:

Assessing the performance of MMB-eGFR equation (vs mGFR) in patients of African or Caribbean origin and in non-Black patients, compared with those of equations based on demographic data.

Mean bias (95% CI) (mL/min/1.73 m2) SD of the bias (mL/min/1.73 m2) Accuracy within 20% (95% CI) (%) Accuracy within 30% (95% CI) (%) Lin's CCC (95% CI)
Patients with African or Caribbean ancestry (n = 34: V1 = 14; V2 = 20)
 MMB-eGFR −3.2 (−7.7 to 1.4) 13.5 79.4 (65.8 to 93.0) 91.2 ( 100) 0.88 (0.78 to 0.94)
 CKD-EPICrCr2009 no-race −4.4 (−8.5 to −0.3) 12.3 70.6 (55.3 to 85.9) 91.2 ( 100) 0.90 (0.82 to 0.95)
 CKD-EPICrCr2009 race 6.6 (1.6 to 11.6) 14.8 76.5 (62.2 to 90.7) 79.4 (65.8 to 93.0) 0.87 (0.78 to 0.93)
 CKD-EPICr2021 −1.4 (−5.5 to 2.6) 12.2 73.5 (58.7 to 88.4) 94.1 (91.1 to 100) 0.92 (0.84 to 0.96)
 EKFC −6.0 (−9.8 to −2.2) 11.4 73.5 (58.7 to 88.4) 91.2 (81.6 to 100) 0.90 (0.81 to 0.95)
 EKFC with African-European Q values 0.6 (−3.3 to 4.4) 11.4 76.5 (62.2 to 90.7) 91.2 (81.6 to 100) 0.92 (0.85 to 0.96)
 CKD-EPICys (n = 33) 2.4 (−2.4 to 7.2) 14.1 60.6 (43.9 to 77.3) 90.9 (81.1 to 100) 0.90 (0.82 to 0.94)
 Mean MMB-eGFR/CKD-EPICys (n = 33) −0.3 (−3.9 to 3.2) 10.6 81.8 (68.7 to 95.0) 100 0.94 (0.88 to 0.97)
 CKD-EPICr-Cys2021 (n = 33) 2.7 (−1.5 to 7.0) 12.5 75.8 (58.4 to 93.2) 93.9 (85.8 to 100) 0.92 (0.85 to 0.95)
 FAScombi (n = 33) −1.4 (−5.5 to 2.8) 12.1 72.7 (57.5 to 87.9) 93.9 (85.8 to 100) 0.91 (0.84 to 0.95)
Non-Black patients (n = 135: V1 = 100; V2 = 35)
 MMB-eGFR −1.0 (−3.4 to 1.3) 14.0 77.8 (70.8 to 84.8) 91.1 (86.3 to 95.9) 0.85 (0.80 to 0.89)
 CKD-EPICr2009 3.8 (1.3 to 6.3) 14.9 76.3 (69.1 to 83.5) 91.1 (86.3 to 95.9) 0.83 (0.76 to 0.87)
 CKD-EPICr2021 6.9 (4.4 to 9.4) 14.8 68.9 (61.1 to 76.7) 89.6 (84.5 to 94.8) 0.81 (0.74 to 0.86)
 EKFC 0.3 (−2.1 to 2.7) 14.3 79.3 (72.4 to 86.1) 94.1 (90.1 to 98.1) 0.84 (0.78 to 0.88)
 CKD-EPICys (n = 131) 1.4 (−1.2 to 4.0) 15.3 67.9 (60.0 to 75.9) 86.3 (80.4 to 92.2) 0.85 (0.80 to 0.89)
 Mean MMB-eGFR/CKD-EPICys (n = 131) 0.2 (−1.8 to 2.1) 11.2 81.7 (75.1 to 88.3) 97.0 (94.0 to 99.9) 0.91 (0.87 to 0.93)
 CKD-EPICr-Cys2021 (n = 131) 6.5 (4.2 to 8.7) 13.2 69.5 (61.6 to 77.4) 88.6 (83.1 to 94.0) 0.86 (0.81 to 0.89)
 FAScombi (n = 131) 2.0 (−0.6 to 4.6) 15.2 76.3 (69.1 to 83.6) 88.6 (83.1 to 94.0) 0.84 (0.79 to 0.88)

For CKD-EPICr2009, CKD-EPICr2021, EKFC and CKD-EPICys, P-values were calculated against MMB-eGFR in each population. *P < .05. For CKD-EPICr-Cys2021 and FAScombi, P-values were calculated against Mean MMB-eGFR/CKD-EPICys, in each population. P < .05. The precision (SD of the bias) comparison was performed with Pitman's test. Accuracy comparison was performed with McNemar's test.

CKD-EPICr2009 no-race, CKD-EPICr2009 without African American correction factor; CKD-EPICr2009 race, CKD-EPICr2009 with African American correction factor; Lin's CCC, Lin's concordance correlation coefficient; V1/V2, validation population 1/2.