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. 2023 Jul 31;12:giad062. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giad062

Table 1:

Some of the most important IgnisHPC API functions

Type Functions
Map map, flatmap, mapWithIndex, filter, keyBy, keys, values, mapPartitions, mapValues, etc.
Reduce reduce, treeReduce, aggregate, treeAggregate, reduceByKey, aggregateByKey, etc.
Group groupBy, groupByKey
Sort sort, sortBy, sortByKey
I/O parallelize,collect, top, take, saveAsObjectFile, saveAsTextFile, saveAsJsonFile, etc
SQL union, join, distinct
Math sample, sampleByKey, take, takeSample, count, countByKey, countByValue, max, min, etc.
Balancing repartition, partitionByHash, partitionByRandom, partitionBy
Persistence persist, cache, unpersist, uncache