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. 2023 Jul 17;36:11243. doi: 10.3389/ti.2023.11243


Key influencers and education strategies using HBM.

Event, experience and activity—Field notes Key rules of engagement
Meeting A Pre-event meeting with editorial team
• Pre-meeting with event organisers, educated about scarcity of organ donation, educated on key susceptibility and severity messages, Committee members shocked as this was the first time, they had heard this information, they wanted to do their best to support the issue Identify key information to generate passion for cause
• Wrote article about the organ donation shortage in the native language and provided small video reinforcing the key messages of severity and susceptibility Publish information to increase awareness prior to an event
• Published article 3 days prior to the meeting, prepared the audience, informed readers they can join the ODR during the meeting in presence of expert for clarification Influencer—South Asian Press
• 182 individuals registered from an event attended by 400
Meeting B Pre-meeting with community leader
• Meeting community leader in advance, before the event, educated on key susceptibility and severity messages Educate key influential people to gain support for cause
• Community leader keen to promote the key message Pre-event advertising via social media by the influential community leader
• Advertised the facility of ODR registration along with his own special request for people to join the register via social media and advertising material
• 134 individuals registered from an event attended by 200, people more willing and already informed Influencer—Community Leader
Meeting C Pre-meeting with religious leader
• Meeting with religious leader and discussion surrounding key susceptibility and severity messages Educate then gain support for cause and permission to access group
• Gained access and permission to have 30 min during one of their religious group session Endorsed by South Asian Scholar in respected position
• Religious leader introduced the researcher to the group and his positive view on organ donation Religious Leader available to support the education with positive religious interpretation
• Religious leader willing to clarify religious concerns during education session –more convincing than health professional
• 15–20 min presentation on the topic by the researcher and 15 min question and answers, led by the religious leader Influencer—Religious Leader
• 18 individuals registered from an event attended by 26
Meeting D Pre-meeting with local organisers to confirm purpose
• Researcher introduced to event organisers by Transplant patient, influential in local association Recommended by respected member of community
• Group already aware of topic and impact of CKD from the patient belonging to their community Use of “real” life experience—inside group supporter
• Local champion (transplant patient) enabled access to future events and endorsed education Influencer—person with lived experience from within community
• 46 individuals registered from an event attended by 70