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. 2023 Apr 10;109(5):1497–1508. doi: 10.1097/JS9.0000000000000346

Table 2.

Leak-related data of the included studies in the meta-analysis.

First author, year, reference Leak rate Diagnosis Time after OAGB Leak management Reoperation (due to leak) Death after leak
Scavone et al., 20209 5 of 953 (0.5%) CT scan
Oral contrast series
First week N/A N/A 0%
Bashah et al., 202010 1 of 49 (2%) N/A ‘shortly’ Surgery: conversion to RYGB 1 (100%) 0%
Lessing et al., 202011 2 of 57 (3.51%) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0%
Neuberg et al., 202012 1 of 163 (0.61%) N/A ‘early’ N/A N/A 0%
Liagre et al., 201913 46 of 2780 (1.7%) Oral CT scan
Endoscopic findings
10 days
Medical (N=9): fasting, total parenteral nutrition, and antimicrobial therapy
Interventional/endoscopy (N=23): percutaneous drainage and/or endoscopy
Surgery: laparoscopy: washout and drainage (+T-tube placement in 5 cases) (N=13); conversion to RYGB (N=1)
14 (30%) 0%
Sohrabi Maralani et al., 202114 1 of 805 (0.1%) N/A N/A N/A 1 (100%) 100% (1)
Debs et al., 202015 1 of 77 (1.3%) N/A N/A Surgery (N=1): Kehr tube and drainage 1 (100%) 0%
Younis et al., 202016 N/A CT scan Less than 4 weeks Interventional/endoscopy: all had fully covered stents (N=9)
Surgery: laparotomy RYGB conversion (N=2)
Laparotomy after 2 weeks of treatment due to stent migration and ileum perforation
2 (22%) 11% (1)
Musella et al., 201717 13 of 2251 (0.6%) N/A N/A Surgery depending on the leak site
Anastomotic leak (N=5):
-laparoscopic revision/Braun anastomosis (N=2)
-laparoscopic repair (N=1)
-laparoscopic reversal surgery (N=1)
-conservative treatment/laparotomy (N=1)
Gastric pouch leak (N=7):
-laparoscopic repair (N=5)
-conservative treatment (N=1)
-revision/laparotomy (N=1)
Gastric remnant leak:
-laparoscopic repair (N=1)
11 of 13 (84.6%) 1 (7.7%)
Lessing et al., 201718 7 of 407 (1.7%) N/A 6.5 days (2–14) Medical: fasting, total parenteral nutrition, and antimicrobial therapy (N=3)
Surgery: laparoscopic drainage (N=3), laparoscopic drainage after failed percutaneous drainage (N=1)
3 of 407 (0.73%) 0%
Nevo et al., 202119 1 of 21 (4.7%) N/A N/A Interventional (N=1): percutaneous drainage 0% 0%
Musella et al., 201920 1 of 196 (0.5%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Nagliati et al., 201922 1 of 8 (12.5%) Intraoperative 1 day Surgery (N=1): no details 1 (12.5%) N/A
Poublon et al., 202023 1 of 185 (0.5%) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0%
Meydan et al., 201724 1 of 154 (0.65%) Clinical presentation: septic shock 4 days Surgery (N=1): laparoscopic conversion to RYGB 1 (100%) N/A
Bolckmans et al., 201925 5 of 526 (0.95%) N/A N/A Surgery (N=5): laparoscopic conversion to RYGB 5 (100%) N/A
Alkhalifah et al., 201826 20 of 1731 (1.15%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Chansaenroj et al., 201727 2 of 26 (7.7%) N/A N/A Surgery (N=2): laparoscopic exploration, repair and drainage 2 (100%) 0%
Apers et al., 201828 4 of 287 (1.4%) N/A N/A Medical (N=2): feeding tube
Surgery (N=2): laparoscopy (no details)
2 (50%) N/A
Almalki et al., 201829 5 of 81 (6.2%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Genser et al., 201630 35 of 2321 (1.5%) Systematic oral contrast series (N=4)
Oral CT scan (N=4)
Intraoperative (N=27)
9 days (97%)
Surgery (N=35): all had washout and drainage:
-laparoscopy (N=33)
-laparotomy (N=2)
Interventional/endoscopy (N=2): in addition to surgery in patients with large staple lines breakdown needing endoscopic stenting
35 (100%) 0%
de la Cruz et al., 202031 1 of 42 (2.4%) N/A N/A Surgery (N=1): laparoscopy (no details) 1 (100%) N/A
Parmar and Mahawar, 201832 123 of 12 807 (0.96%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Soong et al., 201933 5 of 940 (0.5%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Parmar et al., 202036 1 of 376 (0.3%) <30 days N/A Surgery: conversion to RYGB 1 (100%) N/A
Khalaj et al., 202037 3 of 548 (0.5%) Oral CT scan <30 days Interventional (N=2): drainage and intravenous antibiotics
Surgery (N=1): urgent peritoneal lavage and antimicrobial therapy
1 (33%) 1 (0.18%)
Salama and Sabry, 201638 1 of 39 (2.6%) N/A 2 days Surgery (N=1): direct suture of the injured bowel 1 (100%) 0
Taha et al., 201739 2 of 1520 (0.1%) N/A 2 days Surgery (N=2):
-conversion to RYGB (N=1)
-repair of the defect (N=1)
2 (100%) 0
AlSabah et al., 201840 2 of 31 (6.45%) CT scan N/A Interventional/endoscopy (N=2):
-stent (N=1)
-percutaneous drainage (N=1)
0% 0%
Pujol Rafols et al., 201841 5 of 191 (2.6%) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0%
Beaupel et al., 20174 10 of 1430: study conducted among 17 patients with leakage after OAGB – but 10 had
undergone an initial OAGB in the center, which leads to a leak rate of 0.7% (10/1430)
Oral CT scan (88% )
4 days (1–28) Surgery (N=14):
-conversion to RYGB (N=4): leak of the GT or the GJA: conversion was performed lavage, drainage, and treatment of the perforation (T-tube intubation N=2, suture N=1, anastomosis resection and refection N=1)
14 (100%) 0%
Carbajo et al., 200542 4 of 209 (1.9%) Oral contrast series 1 day Medical: conservative management (no details) 0% 0%
Noun et al., 201243 5 of 1000 (0.5%) Oral contrast series 1 week (2 leaks)
2 weeks (3 leaks)
-cutaneous fistula that healed with conservative management more than 2 weeks after surgery (N=3)
-percutaneous drainage (N=3)
Surgery: suturing of the GT and drainage (N=1)
-conversion to RYGB after failed percutaneous drainage (N=1)
2 (40%) 0%
Chevallier et al., 201545 6 of 1000 (0.6%) N/A ‘early’ Surgery (N=6) (no details) 6 (100%) 0%
Ghosh et al., 201746 1 of 74 (1.35%) N/A ‘early’ Interventional (N=1): percutaneous drainage 0% 0%
Plamper et al., 201748 1 of 169 (0.6%) N/A ‘early’ N/A N/A 0%
Bruzzi et al., 201550 1 of 126 (0.79%) Intraoperative N/A Surgery (laparotomy), no details 1 (100%) 0%
Johnson et al., 20078 N/A N/A N/A Surgery (N=3):
-conversion to RYGB (N=2)
3 (100%) 0%
Kular et al., 201455 2 of 1054 (0.2%) N/A 2 Surgery (laparotomy), repair (no details) 2 (100%) 0%
Musella et al., 201456 10 of 974 (1%) N/A 1–12 days Surgery (N=6) (no detail) 6 (60%) 1 (0.001%)
Wang et al., 200557 9 of 423 (2.1%) N/A N/A Medical (N=6): total parenteral nutrition for minor leakage (N=6)
Surgery (N=3): reoperation for drainage
3 (33%) 1 (0.23%)
Docimo et al., 202258 3 of 279 (1.1%) N/A N/A Surgery (N=1) (no details) 1 (33%) N/A
Rayman et al., 202159 2 of 144 (1.4%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rutledge and Walsh, 200560 26 of 2410 (1.1%) Intraoperative N/A Surgery: (no details) Laparoscopic re-exploration and repair N/A No
Almuhanna et al., 202161 19 of 2223 (0.85%) N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 (0.09%)
Goel et al., 202162 7 of 3187 (0.2%) CT scan
Oral contrast series
N/A Medical/interventional: pigtail, drainage
Surgery: laparoscopy (no details)
N/A No
Garcia-Caballero et al., 200563 1 case report Oral contrast series N/A Medical/interventional: total parenteral nutrition, endoscopic fibrin glue N/A No

CT scan, computed tomography scan; oral CT scan, orally ingested computed tomography scan; GJ anastomosis, gastrojejunal anastomosis; GT, gastric tube; reoperation, number of patients with a leak who needed a reoperation and percentage; OAGB, one-anastomosis gastric bypass; RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.