Data availability map showing types of input data source measures present in each country for sickle cell disease DisMod-MR 2.1 models
Each colour represents a different combination of birth incidence, age-specific prevalence, and survival or mortality data that were used as inputs for DisMod-MR 2.1 models for each of the three estimated genotypes of sickle cell disease. The outputs of these models include estimated birth incidence, age-specific prevalence, and total sickle cell disease mortality for each GBD location, age group, sex, and year (see appendix for genotype specific counts [pp 95–178] and for genotype specific rates [pp 207–90]). The specific sources are in the appendix (pp 15–22) and online at the Global Health Data Exchange; contributing counts of prevalence and mortality measures from each genotype are also in the appendix (p 50).