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. 2021 Nov;27(11):10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.11.1532. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.11.1532


Key Input Data

Parameter Base case value Reference
Preprogression health state utility (all treatments) 0.670 NICE TA34333
Postprogression health state utility (all treatments) 0.600 NICE TA34333
End-of-life costs $19,695.00 Lafeuille et al48 (inflated to 2019 costs using Bureau of Labor Statistics data)49
Monitoring costs
  Tumor lysis syndrome prophylaxis $15,686.00 Cho et al53
  Full blood count $8.63 CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Fee Schedule 2019 (HCPCS 85025 complete blood count with automated differential white blood cells)
  Lactate dehydrogenase $6.71 CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Fee Schedule 2019 (HCPCS 83615 lactate dehydrogenase enzyme)
  Chest x-ray $25.23 CMS Physician Fee Schedule 2019 (CPT 71045)
  Bone marrow examination $72.08 CMS Physician Fee Schedule 2019 (CPT 38221)
  Hematologist visit $51.90 CPT 99213 - office/outpatient visit (same CPT as Chen 20179) - CMS Physician Fee Schedule 2019
  Inpatient nonsurgical/medical visit $690.10 Wang et al.50 Hospitalization costs. Inflated from 2019 to 2019 using CPI
  Full blood transfusion $494.08 CMS OPPS Cost Statistics File 2019: Whole blood for transfusion cost (HCPCS P9010) + CMS Physician Fee Schedule 2019 (CPT 36430)
  Lymphocyte count $2.82 CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Fee Schedule 2019 (HCPCS 85048 automated leukocyte count)
  CT scan $199.30 CMS Physician Fee Schedule 2019 (CPT 71260)
  Biochemistry test: renal - urea and electrolytes test $11.74 CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Fee Schedule 2019 (HCPCS 80053 comprehensive metabolic panel)
  Biochemistry test: liver function test $9.08 CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Fee Schedule 2019 (HCPCS 80076 hepatic function panel)
  Immunoglobulins blood test $13.84 CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Fee Schedule 2019 (HCPCS 86023 comprehensive metabolic panel)
Drug costs (pack size) Cost per pack
  Venetoclax (120 × 100 mg tablets) $12,293.47 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
  Obinutuzumab (25 mg/mL, 40 mL) $6,649.27 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
  Chlorambucil (25 × 2 mg tablets) $608.19 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
  Rituximab IV (10 mg/mL, 10 mL) $939.52 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
  Bendamustine IV (25 mg/mL, 4 mL) $2,473.80 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
  Ibrutinib (28 × 420 mg tablets) $12,966.10 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
  Acalabrutinib (60 × 100 mg tablets) $14,064.00 NDC: 00074-0579-28, RED BOOK, last accessed January 28, 2020
Subsequent treatment drug acquisition cost
  VenG $104,477.63 Subsequent treatment costs determined by:
  • Subsequent treatment mix, derived from US clinical expert opinion (Ven+R, Ibr, and Ven monotherapy, relative proportion of patients receiving each dependent upon initial treatment).

  • Time point for start of next treatment, derived from the TTNT curves for the VenG and GClb arms from the CLL14 trial.

  • Time on treatment derived from published data: Ven + R,41,54 validated by clinical expert; Ibrutinib,42 validated by clinical expert; Ven monotherapy43

  GClb $467,032.63
  BR $467,032.63
  Ibr $211,212.97
  Ibr+G $211,212.97
  Ibr+R $211,212.97
  Acala $112,737.90
  Acala + G $25,861.77
AE costs
  Asthenia $4,810.18 Borker44
  Diarrhea $5,172.65 Barnes et al45
  Dyspnea $11,903.85 Wong et al47
  Febrile neutropenia $13,545.98 AHRQ46
  Infusion-related reaction $7,289.00 AHRQ46
  Leukopenia $6,911.00 AHRQ46
  Neutropenia $13,565.69 AHRQ46
  Pneumonia $9,046.00 AHRQ46
  Sepsis $17,661.00 AHRQ46
  Thrombocytopenia $10,017.00 AHRQ46
AE disutilities
Asthenia 0.115 NICE TA30634
Diarrhea 0.080 NICE TA21635
Dyspnea 0.103 NICE TA30634
Febrile neutropenia 0.150 NICE TA34333
Infusion-related reaction 0.200 NICE TA34333
Leukopenia 0.090 Assumed same as neutropenia
Neutropenia 0.090 NICE TA34333 Nafees et al36
Pneumonia 0.195 Tolley et al37
Sepsis 0.195 Tolley et al37
Thrombocytopenia 0.108 Tolley et al37

Acala = acalabrutinib; AE = adverse event; AHRQ = Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; B = bendamustine; Clb = chlorambucil; CMS = Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; CPI = Consumer Price Index; CPT = Current Procedural Terminology; CT = computed tomography; G = obinutuzumab; GClb = obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil; HCPCS = Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System; Ibr = ibrutinib; IV = intravenous; NDC = National Drug Code; NICE = National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; R = rituximab; TTNT = time to next treatment; Ven = venetoclax.