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. 2021 Oct;27(10):10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.10.1416. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.10.1416


Patient Demographics and Baseline Clinical Characteristics

2018 adult AD cohort (n=31,164) 2018 adult control cohorta (n=93,492)
Age, mean years (SD) 45.3 (16.8) 45.3 (16.8)
Sex, n (%)
  Female 20,037 (64.3) 60,111 (64.3)
  Male 11,127 (35.7) 33,381 (35.7)
Geographic region, n (%)
  Northeast 9,447 (30.3) 28,341 (30.3)
  North Central 4,396 (14.1) 13,188 (14.1)
  South 12,782 (41.0) 38,346 (41.0)
  West 4,539 (14.6) 13,617 (14.6)
Medicare (vs commercial), n (%) 2,977 (9.6) 8,887 (9.5)
Deyo-Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean (SD) 0.7 (1.3) 0.5 (1.2)b
Comorbid medical conditions, n (%)
  Allergies 11,619 (37.3) 14,006 (15.0)b
  Anxiety 5,568 (17.9) 13,678 (14.6)b
  Asthma 5,345 (17.2) 7,010 (7.5)b
  Cardiovascular disease 10,465 (33.6) 28,441 (30.4)b
  Depression 4,732 (15.2) 11,538 (12.3)b
  Pain 19,937 (64.0) 50,511 (54.0)b
  Pruritus 3,754 (12.1) 2,233 (2.4)b
  Skin infections 10,431 (33.5) 16,230 (17.4)b
  Sleep disorders 4,662 (15.0) 10,690 (11.4)b
Incident AD (vs prevalent) c 25,868 (83.0) NA

aControls were directly matched to AD patients (3:1) on age, sex, and geographic region.

bP < 0.001.

cPatients without any claims with an AD diagnosis in the 24 months before the index date were considered to have incident AD.

AD = atopic dermatitis; NA = not available.