Figure 3. .
Lipids in AX drive pluripotency transition and promote genomic stability. (A) Colony morphology is shown for ESCs cultured in 2iL, 2iL + BSA (0.1% fatty acid free BSA), 2Il + CDLC (0.1%BSA + 2% chemical defined lipid component), 2iL + dep-AX (deproteinized AX), and 2iLA. Scale bar, 25 µm. (B) Western blot assay to evaluate expression levels of Eras, c-Myc, Dnmt3a and Dnmt31. (C) Western blot assay to evaluate expression levels of Esrrb, Klf2, Kif 4 and Oct4. (D) qRT-PCR expression levels of the formative marker genes Dnmt3b, Dnmt3l, and Lef1 in ESCs cultured in 2iL, 2iL + CDLC, 2iL + dep-AX, or 2iLA. (E) Karyotyping analyses of ESCs at P12 after culture in 2iL, 2iL + BSA (0.1%fatty acid free BSA), 2iL + CDLC (0.1% BSA +2% chemical defined lipid component), 2iL + dep-AX (deproteinized AX), or 2iLA. (F) Schematic of the experiments using XGXT reporter ESCs to monitor the X chromosome loss. (G) FACS analyses of X chromosome loss for XGXT ESCs cultured in different media. (H) Flow cytometry analysis of the XGXT ESCs showing GFP + Tomato + ESCs at passage 15.