Figure 2.
Auditory functions are normal in 5xFAD mice at an early stage of amyloid deposition. 5xFAD mice (red) and their WT littermates (black). (A) Wave I amplitude, latency, wave IV to I amplitude ratio, wave I to IV interpeak latency (from left to right) of click-evoked ABRs from 5xFAD mice (n = 14) and their WT littermates (n = 9) at 3 M. (B–E) Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. (B) ABR (left) and DPOAE (right) thresholds from 5xFAD mice (n = 11) and their WT littermates (n = 7) at 3 M. (C) ABR threshold shift with masking and notched noise for 5xFAD mice (n = 10) and their WT littermates (n = 14) at 3 M. (D) ABR and (E) DPOAE threshold shifts at 1 day (1 DPN) and 14 days (14 DPN) post noise exposure for 5xFAD mice (n = 7) and their WT littermates (n = 4) at 3.5 M. No significance (n.s.).