Figure 2. Structure of p110γ bound to inhibitory nanobody NB7.
(A) Domain schematics of p110γ with helical domain (blue), activation loop (orange), and regulatory motif (green) of p110γ annotated. (B) Cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) density of the p110γ-NB7 complex colored according to the schematic in (A). (C) Cartoon model of the structure of p110γ bound to NB7 colored according to (A). (D) Schematic depicting the key features of p110γ and the nanobody binding site, colored according to panel (A). (E) Domain schematic of NB7 complementarity determining regions (CDRs) and their sequences. (F) Zoom in on the binding interface of NB7, with the CDRs colored as in panel E, and the electron density of the CDRs contoured at 3σ (blue mesh).