Z.11 polyclonal antibodies. (
A) Sequence alignments of three H2A.Z and four H2A histone variants. Positions that differ between variants are highlighted in blue. Underlined are sequences of peptides used for immunization. (
B) Antibodies against H2A.2 were tested with four H2A variants expressed in bacteria. Relevant part of Coomassie stained gel with overexpressed H2As is shown on the top. As shown on the bottom panel antibody raised against H2A.2 peptide recognized only H2A.2. Antibodies against H2A.Z.11 were tested on nuclear extracts from WT,
h2a.z.9 knock-down/
h2a.z.11 knock out (
h2a.z.9 KD h2a.z.11 KO; this line still expresses H2A.Z.8), and
pie1-3 (mutant in the large subunit of the SWR1 complex responsible for the deposition of H2A.Z) lines. The H2A.Z.11 antibodies did not recognize any protein in the
h2a.z.9 KD h2a.z.11 KO line indicating its specificity. In
pie1-3 line, both H2A.Z.9 and H2A.Z.11 were detected but at reduced levels as compared to WT which is in line with the inefficient deposition of H2A.Z in the absence of SWR1. The H3 antibody served as the loading control. (
C) Immunostaining of WT nuclei with indicated antibodies. Original pictures of the gels are provided in
Figure 2—figure supplement 1—source data 1.