A) Heatmap showing the emission probability of histone mark/variant across the 15 chromatin states of the concatenated model computed with chromatin profiles from seedlings and leaves. The bar plot on the right represents the proportion of the genome covered by each state in seedlings (light green) and in leaves (dark green). (
B) Bar plots of the genomic overlap between the seedling and leaf concatenated model states and states from the four chromatin types in the 26-state model. 14 states show overlaps with predominantly one chromatin type, whereas only state 10 overlaps with two types in similar proportions. (
C) Bar plots of the genomic overlap between the wild-type and
ddm1 concatenated model states and states from the four chromatin types in the 26-state model. 13 states overlap with predominantly one chromatin type, whereas 3 states overlap with two types. In (
B) and (
C), color codes for four major groups of chromatin states are as in panel (
A). (
D) Scatter plot of the Jaccard index
vs. the log2 fold change in the proportion of the genome for the 16 states from the wild-type and
ddm1 concatenated model. For each state, the Jaccard index was calculated for the genomic regions covered in wild-type and in
ddm1. The log2 fold change was calculated using the total number of base pairs covered by each state in
ddm1 mutant compared to in the wild-type (see also methods). (
E) Alluvial plot showing the chromatin state changes between the wild-type (top row) and
ddm1 (bottom row). The plot was generated using the R package ggalluviel v0.12.5 (
Brunson and Read, 2020). (
F) Scatter plots of the Jaccard index
vs. the log2 fold change in the proportion of genome for the 16 states from the wild-type and
ddm1 concatenated model (see
D and Methods) for TE genes and protein coding genes separately (right panels). In addition, the percentages of the combined length of the TE/protein-coding genes covered by each state are shown as bar plots on the left. Color codes for chromatin states are as in panel (