Figure 4. Benzoxazinoid soil conditioning does not change weed pressure, but reduces insect infestation.
(A) Total ground cover by weed plants in plots of three wheat varieties growing in soils previously conditioned with wild type (WT) or benzoxazinoid-deficient bx1 mutant maize (n=10). No weeds were detected in plots with the variety Sailor due to herbicide treatment of this variety. (B) Mean abundance of cereal leaf beetles (Oulema melanopus) per tillers (n=20) and (C) Consumed flag leaf area by cereal leaf beetles (n=9–10). Means ±SE, boxplots and individual datapoints (n=20) are shown. ANOVA tables and pairwise comparisons within each wheat variety (FDR-corrected p values) are included. Cond: soil conditioning (WT or bx1). Var: wheat variety. ‘C x V’: interaction between conditioning and wheat variety. Pos: position on the field. Note that in (A) the minimum value of the y-axis was set to a value greater than zero for clearer visualization of treatment differences.