Zebrafish Ligand-Receptor Interactome
(A) Scheme describing steps undertaken to map the zebrafish ligands and membrane receptors interactome (A). Circle plot showing the top 25 ranked ligand-receptor pairs (A′).
(B) Orphan status of ligands. Upset plot of genes coding for ligands with or without potential receptors in the zebrafish STRING PPI database (High or Medium cutoff) or orthologous receptors in the human ligand-receptor database.
(C) Orphan status of receptors. Upset plot of genes coding for receptors with or without potential ligands in the zebrafish STRING PPI database (High or Medium cutoff) or orthologous ligands in the human ligand-receptor database.
(D) Upset plot of DanioTalk ligand-receptor pair database genes derived from zebrafish STRING PPI database (High or Medium cutoff) or orthologous ligand-receptor pairs in the human ligand-receptor databases.
(E) Zebrafish ligand-receptor interactome stats. Column chart comparing average number of ligand/receptor or receptor/ligand based on zebrafish STRING PPI database or orthologs in the human ligand-receptor database.